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 東東員工學習網: 個人紀錄: Ceftin Ear Order Ceftin Online


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Ceftin Ear Order Ceftin Online

Ceftin Ear
Ceftin Ear

Related post: walnut, two spongy glands. These are the
tonsils, surrounded on all sides by moist
mucous membrane, to catch and hold any
infection that might threaten them. They
are protected thus by Nature, and yet
sentinels on the road to the stomach, they
are exposed to contact with food sub-
stances en route. Their very position
makes them easy of access to infection
from the outer world. Once a disease germ
reaches and attacks and inoculates their
spongy, soft substance, it goes below the
surface and the little gland itself becomes
infected. The connection of glands
with other parts of the body furnishes
means for the infection to travel into
deeper parts and these diseased tonsils
may become centres of infection for the
entire system.
Nature protects the tonsil by giving it a
power to resist, to throw off the invasion
of diseases, just as it protects Cost Of Ceftin the other
parts of the body. But close the nostrils,'
breathe through the mouth, chill the tis^
sue by exposing it to constant drafts of
unfiltered cold air from the outer world,
and the resistance is broken down, and
the tonsil becomes diseased and inflamed.
It "telegraphs" its trouble to the brain by
sending out through the nerves calls for
help, and Ceftin Cost you have pain in the throat, and
you have sore throat. The germ has en-
tered the system. Perhaps by taking care
of yourself, by avoiding exposure, by
stimulation of the organ, the disease will
be overcome. You will get well of the
sore throat, but the attack has weakened
the tonsil and in time you have another
attack, and another, and finally the ton-
sils lose their power to resist, and their
t6ndency to infection grows and the poison
spreads through the system. It will be
shown in your general health conditionst.'
Your nerves suffer; you are nervous. Your
voice suffers from the discharge, the prod-
uct of inflammation. The discharge also
trickles down into the stomach, and in
time some infection breaks out in adistant
part of the body and you can't landerstand
where you contracted the disease. Have
you ever noticed that an attack of "rheu-
matism" is always or nearly always pre-
ceded by an attack of tonsillitis? The
medical profession has long since ebme to
associate "rheumatism" with tonsillar in-
fection, and even the laity speak of an at-
tack of tonsillitis as "rheumatic sore
throat." That nephritis, tuberculosis,'
nervous diseases, deafness and many othei'
diseases have all had their inception in
infections in the tonsils is becoming very
well known. The lesson that I want to.
bring home to you is this : that sore throat,'
inflammation of the tonsils, is not to be
accepted as a necessary evil, not a simple
matter to be lightly treated, but it is a
danger signal worthy of the attention of
your physician. A condition of chronic
inflammation of the tonsils, a tendency to
sore throat, is a certain signal of deeper
and more serious illness. Carrv that les-
October 1917
son home with you in caring for and rear-
ing your children, and act upon it if you
would bring your children to healthy nor-
mal manhood or womanhood.
Now, one step further, just a little back
of these tonsils, out of sight from the out-
side, without the use of a mirror, between
the nose and the throat, there is an open
space, lined with mucous membrane, called
by the doctors for the purpose of identifi-
cation the "naso-pharynx." The air from
the outer world is drawn into this space
through the nostrils, and there warmed
before it is carried into the lungs, and
there are little Order Ceftin Online ducts or tubes that extend
from this space up to the ears so that the
balance of air pressure in the ears may be
maintained and that the middle ear may
be ventilated. Under normal conditions,
the naso-pharynx is a cavity lined with
healthy, moist mucous membrane, but un-
der irritation from oft-repeated colds, per-
haps from the use of the pernicious paci-
fier, often from unknown causes, this
membrane becomes inflamed and congested
and there develops a superabundance of
tissue, a curious spongy Best Price For Ceftin growth, some-
times in small quantities, sometimes
greater. This growth is called "adenoids,"
adenoid tissue, adenoid growth, from its
appearance, being "gland Ceftin Er like." The ten-
der membranes lining the throat of grow-
ing children are peculiarly susceptible to
infection ; they are subject to having this
adenoid tissue developed. Let them but
catch a cold and this spongj' mass of tissue
made up of small lobules becomes in-
flamed, swells up, closes the posterior open-
ing of the nostril, cuts off the normal path
of the necessary oxygen from the outer
air to the lungs, and forces the child to
open its mouth and to breathe through
, that organ instead of through the organ
intended by nature for breathing purposes.
Let a condition of chronic inflammation
develop so that your physician tells you
that your child has adenoids and what is
the result?
First, your child must hold its mouth
partially open in order to breathe ; the
tonsils, the vocal cords, the bronchial
tubes, the delicate membranous linings be-
come subjected directly to the cold air of
the outer atmosphere, the nose and the
cavities of the head can not be drained
properly, colds develop, tissues become in-
flamed, inflammation spreads to the tubes
and channels of the head ; Ceftin Ear especially do
the Eustachian tubes which ventilate the
middle ear become involved and the child
has roaring in his head, earache, deafness

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最後使用紀錄:Friday, 15 November 2013, 10:11 PM  (3816 日 22 小時)