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Related post: intercourse (while having an active discharge). A
few days later the arthritis began in the wrist and
hip. He denied ever having had a chancre or rash.
He never had rheumatism, malaria, typhoid fever,
nor any trouble with joints, teeth, eyes, ears or
sinuses ; did have sore throat when j^ounger.
Family history. — His father died of carcinoma
of the breast. His mother, brothers, and sisters
living and well. No tuberculosis or lues traceable
in family.
General condition. — The temperature varied
from 99.5° to 103° F. with increased pulse and res-
piration. Has had chills and chilly sensation ; in-
somnia ; dry coated tongue, parched lips, crying
v/ith pain ; restless, nervous, and slightly delirious
at night during sleep. Patient was septic in ap-
Laboratory findings. — The gonorrhea blood
complement fixation tests were all positive from
various laboratory reports. The urethral smear
was positive for gonococci. The blood Wassermann
and Noguchi tests were negative from three dif-
ferent laboratory reports. Negative blood smears
for malaria. Negative Widal reaction (several
times). On early blood cultures, no growth was
obtained. Recent blood cultures have not yet been
reported. Secondary anemia of mild grade present,
due to the general gonorrheal infection and meta-
static involvement. Hemoglobin, 75 per cent. ; white
blood cells, 16,400: Polymorphonuclear, 84: .small
mononuclear, 13: large mononuclear, i; eosino-
phile, 2; red blood cells, 4,160,000. Janu-
ary 27, 1919: trace of albumin found in the urine.
All qualitative tests for indican, sugar, diacetic acid,
and acetone negative. Buy Benazepril / Amlodipine A few red blood cells ; a few
pus cells ; ammonium urates ; total solids, thirty-five
grams to the litre ; urea, 1.4 per cent. ; specific grav-
ity, 1.05; no casts; some squamous cells. The reac-
tion of the urine was alkaline (due to the medica-
tion) on February 3, 1919, ]). m.. amber, 1.015 speci-
fic gravity ; some indican, very faint trace albumin :
some white blood cells ; some bladder epithelial cells ;
many cylindroids ; few uric acid crystals. Febru-
•Rcad before New Jersey State Medicyl Society, Spring Lake
N. J., June 24, 1919
ary 4, 1919, a. m., amber; 1.013 specific gravity;
acid; trace of albumin; indican; many white blood
cells; few red blood cells; some bladder epithelial
cells ; very few hyaline casts and many cylindroids ;
some amorphous urates. The blood pressure : Sys-
tolic, 1 10 ; diastolic, 74.
Physical examination. — The heart sounds were
weakened in tone, and at times a faint murmur
was heard, especially after deep breathing and then
holding breath: possibly due to the anemia or a
beginning acute endocardial or myocardial involve-
ment. Except for a few scattered rales, the lung
condition was negative. A slight cough existed
which was due to an associated tracheobronchitis,
or myocardial weakness.
Treatment. — Dial,^ ciba, or barbital, and M. S.
one eighth to a quarter of a grain, given on several
occasions as required. The patient has received
complete and absolute rest in bed for three weeks
with Blaud's pills for the anemia. Pure santal oil
in capsules and argyrol injections for the local con-
dition, which was improving nicely. Plenty of wa-
ter to drink. An aperient water for the bowels. Also
heavy mineral oil and alkaline rectal enemas — both
evacuating and irrigating ; polyvalent antigonococcic
serum intramuscularly and intravenously ; gono-
coccus vaccine hypodermically and intramuscularly ;
small doses of mercury and large doses of syrup.
Ferric iodide for varying periods. The most satis-
factory and most rapid relief from pain and im-
provement was noticed after the combined use of
the vaccine and one large intravenous injection of
the antigonococcic serum (fifty c.c), given when he
was in a very septic condition and suffering greatly.
The relief and improvement were almost as
though by magic. Dr. Alfred C. Wood, of the Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania, saw the patient with me
and believed that cause and effect in this case
would indicate the further use of specific serum
vaccine therapy. No other medication received at
the time could possibly have had such beneficial
A few days ago x ray examination was advised
to decide whether there is an arthritis, an osteo-
arthritis, or effusion in the joint, and his removal
to the hospital was urged for this purpose and for
the possible relief of pain b}' Buck's extension or
plaster of paris splint, or any possible operative
mterference that may later be necessary, in the
opinion of the surgeon.
About a week after the initial administration of
the pol)^v-alent antigonococcic senmi, the patient had
soiue urticaria with marked itching, which passed
away after a few days. Before he received the large
scrum doses, he had received a small injection of
the serum as a desensitizing dose. This prevented
any marked anaphylactic serum reaction. After
the large intravenous injection of the serum, he
received fifteen minims of adrenalin solution and a
very small dose of atropine, to ward ofi any pos-
sible afterefifects. However, the patient took the
specific therapy without any untoward results and
with considerable improvement until lately, when
his pain returned after the specific treatment had
^Dial — diallylbarbituric acid. Sedative and hypnotic but not nar-
cotic. Dose, one and one half to four and one half grains.
January 3. 1920.]
been discarded for several days, and he was ad-
vised to go to the hospital for the x ray studies.
A later report showed that after the antigonococcic
serum and mixed gonococcus vaccine were stopped,
and while he was in the hospital, there developed
z marked inflammation of the knee, which I believe
could have been prevented by the continued use of
the vaccine and serum.
Careful measurement was made of the urine out-
put and of the intake of all fluids. The urinary
output was satisfactory and his kidneys at no time
gave us any concern. Locally for the relief of
pain in the joint I ordered a hot water bottle, hot
turpentine stupes, tincture of iodine painted on the
affected area, and the old reliable ointment contain-
ing belladonna, mercury, and ichthyol at different
times. I did not use calcium sulphide nor any of

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最後使用紀錄:Saturday, 16 November 2013, 09:20 AM  (3825 日 23 小時)