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Related post: neighborhood would gather and over a bowl of
punch or a bottle of wine, would spend the evenings.
Into this life Washington entered eagerly. In 1758
he was a candidate for an elective office. In his
campaign it is recorded that '"punch by the barrel
and hogshead, plenty of wine, brandy, rum and
strong beer, assisted the voters to see special merit
in one of the candidates and Washington's Slimfast Cost bill for
this instruction was a heavy one." John Adams,
after a visit to Valley' Forge, wrote: "In a time of
famine General Washington sets a fine example.
He has banished wine from his table and entertains
his friends with rum and water." A number of
writers have described dinners at Mt. Vernon. One
of them writes : "The dinner was very good * * *
we were desired to call for what drink we chose.
He took a glass of wine with Mrs. Law first, which
example was followed by Doctor Croker and Mrs.
Washington, myself and Mrs. Peters, Mr. Fayette
and the young lady whose name is Custis." An-
other writer in describing a similar occasion, says :
"The General sent the bottle about Slimfast 123 pretty freely
after dinner. W^e had a very elegant supper at nine
p. m. The General with a few glasses Slimfast Canada of champagne
got quite merry." W'ashington habitually drank
four or five glasses of Madeira at dinner and often
added a glass of punch and one of beer. In 1795
he began the distilling of whiskey on his plantation
and found the business to be very profitable.
Benjamin Franklin was certainly one of the great-
est men produced by this or any. other country, yet
we read that when as a boy he was on his way from
Boston to Philadelphia, he drank a large draught Order Slimfast Online of
ale at Burlington, N. J. He states that "he loved
a glass and a song." It is told Slimfast Australia he could drink with-
out inconvenience a quantity which nowadays, espe-
cially in America, seems surprising. His celebrated
dialogue with the gout begins as follows :
Franklin : Eh ! Eh ! What have I done to merit
these cruel sufferings?
Gout: Many things, you have ate and drank too
freely and too much indulged those legs of your
in their indolence.
His punch bowl is exhibited at the Historical So-
ciety of Pennsylvania. Patrick Henry spent three
years of his life as a bartender. McMaster says
that for three years Henry tended travellers and
drew corks.
Thomas Jefferson never drank spirituous liquors
and was much opposed to their use. He was, how-
ever, very fond of wine. He made the statement Slimfast 321 Plan
that "No nation is drunken where wine is cheap."
During the eight years he was President he spent
nearly $11,000 for it. His father paid for 2400
acres of land where he The Slimfast Diet made his home "Henry
Weatherbourne's biggest bowl of arrack punch."
Parton writes of Andrew Jackson that when a
^oung man "he played cards, ran horses. * * *
carried off gates, moved outhouses to remote fields
and occasionally indulged in a downright drunken
Of Henry Clay it is written that "at the bar he
was courteous, in debate he never took unfair ad-
vantage and only when aroused by passion with a
too generous admixture of whiskey did his better
nature lose control." We read also that "according
to the custom of the time he drank freely but sel-
dom to excess." In later years Slimfast Price he made wine on
his own estate of which he was very fond.
In the committee rooms of the Senate at that
time Purchase Slimfast and later liquor was to be Slimfast Meals found, and it was
almost the universal custom for the members to
fortify themselves, repeatedly. In spite of this,
legislation enacted then will compare favorably with
that of the present day. Henry Clay had a son who,
if he had not been killed in the Mexican war, bade
fair to become as great as his father.
That Daniel W'ebster was a hard drinker is gen-
erally kno\'\4n. General, and afterwards President,
Grant was compelled in Buy Slimfast Online 1854 to resign from the
Army for drunkenness. It is recorded that Lincoln,
who did not use alcoholic drinks himself, had more
confidence in Grant than any of the other generals.
Several times during the Civil War when ultra pious Slimfast Cheap
and prohibition conjmittees (I am quoting) com-
plained of his habits to Lincoln, he paid no attention
to them, once making the reply, "I cannot spare Slimfast Snack Bars this, he fights."
W'illiam Penn used alcohol very little, if at all,
but his father who became Vice-Admiral of Eng-
land at the age of thirty-one, was a hard drinker Buy Cheap Slimfast all
his life, and it caused his death before he was fifty.
Many famous literary men have used alcohol,
some to excess. Among them may be mention-
ed Shakespeare, Dickens, Thackeray, Tennyson.
Browning, de Musset, Poe, Addison, Steele, Slimfast 123 Plan Sheri-
dan, Burns, Charles Lamb, Samuel Coleridge and
Hartley Coleridge. The following abstract of a
letter written by Mark Twain, one of our greatest
writers, if not the greatest, to William D. Howells
is interesting. It describes a dinner given to the
v.ell known novelist, Order Slimfast George W. Cable, by several
men of note : "You know that when it comes down Slimfast Tablets
to moral honesty, limpid innocence and utterly blem-
i.shless piety the apostles were mere policemen to
Cable ; so with this in mind you must imagine him
at a midnight dinner in Boston the other night, when Purchase Slimfast Online
we gathered around the board of the Summerset
Club: Osgood full, Boyle O'Reilly full, Fairchild
responsively loaded and Aldrich and myself possess-
ing the floor and properly fortified. Cable told Mrs.
Clemens when he returned here, that he seemed to
have been entertaining himself with horses, and had
a dreamy idea that he must have gone to Boston in
a cattle car. It was a very large time. He called it
an orgy, and no doubt it was, viewed from his
Ex-Governor Pennypacker in his autobiography
gives an account of a dinner given in 1888 to Jus-
tice Miller of the U. S. Supreme Court by the fac-
ulty of the law department of the University of
Pennsylvania. The guests comprised the most not-
able men of Philadelphia, and he says, "After the
wine had somewhat enlivened the party, the turn
taken by the conversation made it a most interest-
ing Slimfast Shaker event." In 1887 a breakfast was tendered the
Chief Justice and Justices of the U. S. Supreme
Court by the Bar of Philadelphia. The committee
April 3, 1920.]
POTTS: Cheap Slimfast Products EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL.
was composed of leaders of the bar, Richard C. Mc-
Murtrie being chairman. The guests were the Su-

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最後使用紀錄:Saturday, 16 November 2013, 10:57 PM  (3833 日 8 小時)