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Related post: trine of the reabsorption of pus — a doctrine which was after-
ward elaborated by Quesnayinl819. Morgagni, after quoting
a great number of instances of wounds of the head followed by
visceral abscesses, opposes the idea of a mechanical transport
of pus thither — states that such abscesses are not confined to
the liver — and that they may follow wounds and ulcers of other
parts besides the head. He ascribes their formation to particles
of pus (' not always deposited in the form of pus '), resulting
from the softening and suppuration of small tubercles, Propecia For Sale which,
having been mixed with the blood and disseminated, are ar-
rested in some of the narrow passages, perhaps of the lymphat-
ic glands, and b}^ obstructing and irritating these, as happens
in the production of venereal buboes, and by retaining the
humors therein, distend them, and give origin to the genera-
tion of a much more copious pus than what is carried thither.
' And by this means,' he says, ' we may also conceive how it is
that much more pus is frequently found in the viscera and cavi.
ties of the bodies than a small wound could have g-enerated.' "'^
" Cheston (1760) remarks that ' translations of matter
from one part to another are by no means uncommon,
but are frequently to be met with after amputations of the
larger limbs, when the vis vitce is impaired, and cannot Ordering Propecia From Canada Online sup-
port that discharge of matter, so necessary to complete the
design of Nature in healing a large wound ; but, under such
circumstances, there is very little, if any, appearance of an in-
flammation, and the matter is rather disseminated tin'ough
the viscus on which it falls, than is collected in one or more
large vomicae.' " '
" John Hunter (1793), in this country, and after him Vel-
peau, in France, demonstrated the existence of pus in blood.
Hunter Propecia Cost further pointed out the influence and mode of action
' Braid wood on Pjismia, p. 10. * Ibid., p. 3. ' Ibid., p. 4.
of phlebitis. He described three forms of inflammation of the
veins Buy Propecia Online Canada — viz., adhesive, suppurative, and ulcerative. Pjferaia
he considered to be an aggravated form of phlebitis. He re-
marks that in all cases where inflammation of tlie veins runs
high, or extends itself considerably, it is to be expected Cheap Propecia Uk that
the whole system will be Ordering Propecia Canada affected." ' Hodgson (1815) be-
lieves in the doctrine Propecia Sale Uk of phlebitis, " and affirms tliat the in-
flammation extends in some instances even to the membrane
which lines the cavity of the heart." *
" Generic Propecia For Sale Arnott (1829) concluded from his observations — 1. That
death does not result from the extension of the inflammation
of the veins to the heart ; 2. That the dangerous consequences
of ])hlebitis have no direct relation to the extent of the vein
which is inflamed ; and, 3. That the presence of pus in the
veins, though the principal, is not the sole cause of the second-
ary aff*ection. He, accordingly, opposes the idea of Abernethy,
Carmichael. etc., that the constitutional affection is owing to
the extension of the inflammation to the heart. The publica-
tion of Arnott's and Dance's treatises led to the general opinion
being held in England and France that phlebitis and puru-
lent infection were identical affections; or, at least, that the
latter was invariably caused by the former." ^
" Cruveilhier (1829), admitting the doctrine of the formation
of secondary abscesses being due to capillary phlebitis, further
laid down an axiom, since proved untenable, ' that any foreign
body introduced into the veins, whose elimination by the
emunctories is impossible, will produce visceral abscesses simi-
lar to those which occur after wounds and operations, and that
these abscesses are the result of cay)illary phlebitis of those vis-
cera." * Liston (1837) and Berard (1842) lield the phlebitic doc-
trine. The following autliors believed pyaemia to be produced
l)y the admission of pus into the blood, viz. : Boerhaave and Van
Swieten (1737), Morgagni (1740), Cheston (1700), Berthelot
(1780), John Hunter (1793), Larrcy (1812), Montezzia (1813),
R. Carmichael (1818), Quesnay (1819), Velpeau (1823 and
1820), Sir Astley Cooper (1827), Marechal (1828), Dance
' Brnidwood on "Pyaamia," p. 4. " Ibid., p. 7.
•Uml., p. 14. *Ibid., p. 14.
(1828), Arnott (1829), Piorrj (1831), Liston (1837), Dupiiy-
tren (1839), Casteluau and Ducrest (1848), Sedillot (1849),
Solly (1851), Wilts (1861), Buy Propecia Canada and Baker (1866). " Haller made
the first experiments as to the action of putrefying substances
on animals, and said, ' Nothing destroys our fluids more
poAyerfully than putrefaction.' B. Gaspard, Doctor of Medi-
cine in St.-£tienne, published the first complete work, found-
ed on abundant Order Propecia Generic experimental material, on the action of putre-
fying substances on the organism ; and since that time (1822)
one may look upon the doctrine of septicaemia as established.
Leuret and Dupuy followed him ; so that in France the
doctrine of septic blood-poisoning soon won the ground. Ordering Propecia
Soon, however, the inyestigators who followed them re-
jected both the septicaemic and pyaemic conditions, and the
efiect of the former investigators could have been only unim-
portant. Ernst E. Yirehow, who repeated the experiments
of Gaspard, discriminated witli greater precision between the
surgical diseases — septicaemia as a sharply -defined group, the
opposite of pyaemia. From this date (1848) the difference be-
tween septicaemia and pyaemia has been Ordering Propecia No Prescription fully established in
the literature. . . . The most important series of experiments
conducted according to Gaspard belong to Stich (1853) and
Panum (1856) ; the latter endeavoring to separate the putrefy-
ing poison. In this, however, neither he nor his followers have
succeeded very satisfactorily. These experimenters were fol-
lowed by Urfrey, Saltzmann, and others. ... In lS65-'66
the Faculty of Medicine in Munich offered a prize-question
on the action of putrefying substances on the animal Buy Propecia Online Usa organ-
ism, and awarded the prize to Propecia Sales Heramer for his work, which
was distinguished Propecia Sale Online for its accurate delineation of the pertain-
ing literature and the number of prepared experiments. Cheap Propecia Online In
the mean time Pasteur was making a noise in France by his
researches. . . . Billroth, Koser, and O. "Weber published new
and valuable works, which considered the observations at the
bedside, as well as the experiments." '
"Lister, fully appreciating the necessity of protecting
wounded surfaces, as far as possible, from the contaminating in-
• Pitha n. Billroth, " Ilandbuch der Chirurgie," 1. B., 2. A., 1. 11.,
1. L., 6. Propecia Canada u. 7. S.
flueiices arising from contact with the vitiated air of hospitals,
has, bj the antiseptic treatment, already accomplished much
good. lie still adheres to the use of carbolic acid. Binz
has proved that a solution of one part of quinine to four hun-
dred parts of water Ordering Propecia Online still sufficed with certainty to destroy the
life of bacteria. R. Geissler, a few years previously, had men-
tioned the anti-putrefying property of the salts of quinine,
and has used the same as a surgical dressing in carbuncle,
cancer, bed-sores, etc." ' .
Bergmann, and others, have sought to determine the poi-
sonous element contained in decomposing animal substances,
and for this purpose have chemically treated putrid fluids,
hoping to find the agent that would excite all the symptoms
of septic poisoning. Bergmann obtained a body of this na-
ture from decomposing yeast, which he calls sepsin, although
we have no proof that either he or any one else has ever found
the same in pus or any decomposing animal substance; and
even if it had been found in these substances, it would then
become necessary to demonstrate the fact that no other sub-
stance contained in putrefying fluids could produce septic Propecia Sale Canada
poisoning. It has, however, been satisfactorily shown that
several elements Propecia Coupon found in decomposing animal bodies, when

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