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Related post: In conclusion, Dr. "White stated that the committee would
recommend the following resolution : That, bj a vote of the
members, this system of classification and nomenclature be
adopted as the official code of our association ; which we as
members agree to conform to, and which shall be altered as
occasion may require, by the association only after considera-
tion by this standing Committee on Classification and No-
On motion of Dr. Fox, the report of the committee was
On motion of Dr. Piffard, the matter of Classification was
taken up first, and Dr. Piffard then stated that he was opposed
to any one system of classification, and thought that there
should be as many as possible in our literature, as it was im-
portant to have diseases presented in all their various rela-
After further discussion by Drs. Fox,Wigglesworth, Heitz-
mann, Sheewell and Taylor, the classification recommended
by the committee was adopted with one dissentient voice. A
short debate then took place on the question of Nomenclature ;
when that recommended by the committee was adopted by
the following vote, the ayes and nays having been called for :
affirmative, Drs. Atkinson, Duhring, Heitzmann, Taylor, Yan
Harlingen, and Wigglesworth ; negative, Drs. Fox, Piffard,
and Sherwell.
The President then made the following valedictory re-
marks: Gentlemen — In vacating the position with which you
have honored me for two years, I desire to express to you all
my gratitude for the great consideration you have uniformly
shown me. The interest taken in our meetings and the high
order of merit which has characterized the papers presented
assure the success of the association ; and, if it shall continue
to be conducted in this spirit, there can be no doubt of its in-
fluence on the future of dermatology in this country.
It is my final and pleasant duty to present, as our presi-
dent for the ensuing year, a gentleman who needs no intro-
duction wherever American dermatology is known — far less
to yourselves.
Dr. Duhrtxg, in assuming the chair, returned his thanks
to the association for the honor conferred upon him, and said
that he would do all in his power to advance the interests of
the association. To this end he invited the hearty coopera-
tion of all the members in the work before them, and he hoped
that the meeting of 1879 would call forth their best efforts in
scientific research, while at the same time it should still fur-
ther increase their ties of friendship.
The association then adjourned.
{To be concluded.)
Adjournal Annual Meeting, November 25, 187S.
Dr. John C. Peters, President.
The officers elected for the ensuing year are : President,
Dr. F. J. Bumstead; Vice-President, Dr. A. E. M. Pnrdy;
Recording Secretary, Dr. F. A. Castle ; Corresponding Secre-
tary, Dr. Wesley M. Carpenter ; Treasurer, Dr. II. P. Farn-
ham ; Censor, Dr. P. F. Munde.
The Society went into Committee of the "Whole to consider
the proposed amendments to the by-laws. They were ap-
proved and subsequently adopted by the Society.
Reports of standing committees were then Order Epivir read, the most
important of which was the Committee on Hygiene, Dr. E.
G. Janeway, Chairman. Dr. Jane way referred to the fact
that only two deaths had occurred from small-pox during the
year, and thought it could properly be attributed to the per- Epivir 150 Mg
sistent efforts which had been made in obtaining a thorough
vaccination. He thought that greater success attended the
persuasive than the compulsory method of vaccination, for
the reason that it would only be required in primary vaccina-
tions and would be valueless in revaccinations, which were
very important.
Address of the Retiring Cheap Epivir President.
The President in his closing address said that the Society
had been very successful in correcting many abuses, chief of
which were in regard to the issuing of counterfeit diplomas
and the recommendation of nostrums. He considered it
strange that so many teachers in medical colleges were the
offenders. It was only just to them, however, Buy Epivir to state that
after proper representation to them their recommendations
were withdrawn.
The wholesale houses had also cooperated, but the smaller
dealers had been most obstinate.
He suggested that efforts should be made to procure
proper legislation in regard to the certificates of midwives.
The present system permitted those not properly qualified to
practice. Dr. Peters then introduced the president-elect, Dr.
F. J. Bumstead.*
A vote of thanks to the officers of the Society for the past
year was adopted.
Stated Meeting, November 25, 1878,
Dr. F. J. Bumstead, President.
The President in his address drew special notice to the
fact that in his opinion the Society should chiefly devote itself
at the stated meetings to the reading and discussion of scien-
tific matters. Other subjects could be better considered by
committees and special meetings, as they were secondary and
had only an indirect influence, inasmuch as the Society was
organized to aid in the regulation of medical practice and the
diffusion of information pertaining to the healing art.
The following standing committees were announced :
Hygiene : Chairman, Dr. John C. Peters ; Dr. E. G. Jane-
way, Dr. C. C. Lee, Dr. G. B. Fowler, Dr. A. B. Judson.
Ethics : Chairman, Dr. Robert A. Barry ; Dr. E. J. O.
Sullivan, Dr. F. Zinnser, Dr. S. Caro, Dr. F. Y. White.
Registration : Chairman, Dr. A. E. M. Purdy ; Dr. W.
T. White, Dr. Horace T. Hanks.
Prize Essays: Chairman, Dr. Fordyce Barker; Dr. Aus-
tin Flint, Dr. Ellsworth Elliot.
Auditing : Chairman, Dr. Ellsworth Elliot, Dr. W. M.

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