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Meeting of Decernber 5, 1894.
The President, Dr. C. C. Bareows, ia the Chair.
Empyema of the Antrum of Highmore.— Dr. C. G. Coak-
LEY presented two cases of this condition. They were interest-
ing as illustrating both the chronic Saw Palmetto Hairloss and acute forms. The
chronic case was that of Mr. D'S., forty-five years of age, who
had been sent to him by Dr. .J. E. Winters. He had been taken
sick on December !t, 1893, with a marked chill and a sharp rise
of temperature. The elevation of temperature had lasted for
two days, and then there had appeared .in odorless, purulent dis-
charge from the left nostril. Five or six days later there had
been a marked odor to the discharge, and he had complained
of very intense supra-orbital and occipital headache. Previously
to his coming to Dr. Winters the nose had been washed out twice Saw Palmetto And Hair Loss
daily for four Where To Get Saw Palmetto months by one physician and once daily by an-
other physician for two months. Within a half hour or more
after the washing the discharge had been as profuse as before
— indeed, so profuse had it been that it had "saturated two or
three Turkish towels every day." On examination, the left
nasal cavity had been found very much contracted, the inferior
turbinate swollen so as to touch the sseptum, and the entire
cavity filled with very foul-smelling pus. Examination with a
probe had shown the inferior turbinate to be sound, but a ne-
crotic condition of the middle turbinate. The Saw Palmetto And Women test by transil-
lumination had shown the whole affected side dark in the infra- What Is Saw Palmetto
orbital region, and also an absolute darkness of the pupil on the
affected side. A triangular-bladed knife had been introduced
into the antrum, along the floor of the nares underneath the in-
ferior turbinated bone; yet on its withdrawal no pus had es-
caped. A second puncture had then ,been made, and a large
quantity of extremely foul-smelling, thick pus had escaped. Where Can I Get Saw Palmetto
Not wishing to sacrifice a sound molar tooth, an Women And Saw Palmetto openin;; had
been made on October l-3th, under ether anieslliesia, through
the canine fossa into the antrum. A probe passed into this
opening had shown high up posteriorly a soft tumor of about the
size of an almond. This had been cut loose from its attachments
with a curette, and had been allowed to remain in the antrum.
A silver tube had then been introduced for drainage and the
cavity washed out, at first with a solution of permanganate of
potassium, two grains to the ounce, and subsequently with per-
oxide of hydrogen, two or three Saw Palmetto Hair Loss times a day. On the fifth day
the tumor — a polypus — somewhat shriveled and decomposed,
had been washed out through the tube. The necrosed portions
of the middle turbinate and ethmoidal cells had been removed
by means of a special curette constructed to tit the narrow nasal
cavity. Dp to Palmetto Saw the present time some twelve curettings had
been performed, with the result of removing nearly all the dead
bone. The discharge from the antrum had practically ceased
two weeks ago, Saw Palmetto Women but, as there was a slight purulent discharge
from the nose, he Saw Palmetto For Hairloss did not feel it safe to remove the silver tube
from the antrum as yet.
The other case — the acute one — was that of a gentleman,
thirty-one years of age, who had been sent to him by Dr. T. .1.
Biggs. Three years ago there Saw Palmetto Hair had been aching in a molar tooth
on one side, and a dentist, in attempting to extract it, had
broken it off. That night another dentist had "killed the
nerve." Since Saw Palmetto For Hair Loss that time there had been occasional soreness,
but by October 81st this had given place to severe pain. Then
the entire tooth had been extracted. Two days later a ]>uru-
lent nasal discharge had begun on the same side, and the pain
had been temporarily relieved. A needle passed by the patient
up through the tooth socket at this time had revealed the
presence of Women Saw Palmetto a collection of pus. On Movember 4th there had
been such severe frontal headache as to incapacitate Saw Palmetto In Women him for
business, and the discharge had become foul -smelling. On ex-
.■imination, November l;Jth, there had been found marked swell-
ing of the tissues in the left nostril, and these had been bathed
in foul-smelling pus. The result of transillumination had not
been so marked as in the other case, owing to the bones having
been naturally tliieker, but still there had been a fairly distinct Hair Saw Palmetto
difference in the illumination on the two sides. Under cocaine
anaesthesia a drill had been passed through the alveolus into
the antrum and pus evacuated. No necrosis had been detected
either in the antrum or nose. At the end of the tenth day the
discharge had ceased. On the twelfth day the tube had been
removed. Although the orifice through the alveolus had been
still patent, there had been no discharge and the antrum had
been empty.
Dr. Coakley also exhibited the special tube he had had con-
structed for the first case.
Dr. E. Le Fevre asked if in these cases there had been
complaint of headache elsewhere than in the frontal re-
Dr. CoAKLET replied that in the cases he had seen there had
been almost invariably complaint of pain over the outer half of
the supra-orbital ridge. He had always looked upon this as a
refiex pain from pressure, probably on the infra-orbital nerve.
The occipital pain was possibly due to auEemia or other second-
ary condition.
Dr. Le Fevbe said that he had asked this question because
some years ago a patient had been coming to him frequently
for the relief of an occipital headache. The usual methods of
treatment had been tried without avail. Finally the patient hi»d
come to him stating that there had been a profuse discharge
from the nose, and that with this there had been a great in-
crease in the severity of the headache. Examination then had
shown the antrum to be the seat of a suppurative process. As
soon as the antrum had been freely opened the headache had
entirely disappeared.
Dr. Joseph D. Bryant said that he would like to refer to
two cases bearing upon pus collections in the antrum and ob-
stinate neuralgia. One of these patients had been a physician,
who had had for many years a persistent neuralgia at the supra-
orbital notch and in the superior division of the fifth pair. No
history of any discharge from the antrum had been obtained,
nor had there been any deformity at the time to indicate such a
condition. It had been the fashion at that time to remove the
supra-orbital nerve and destroy Meckel's gangliou. lie had
opened into the antrum and pus had poured out very freely.
The quantity of pus had astonished him in view of the fact that
tliere had been no evidence of such an accumulation. Meckel's
ganglion had then been removed, notwithstanding the libera-
tion of the pus collection. The patient had been heard from
five years later, and had still continued to be free from his neu-
ralgia. Subsequent experience had led the speaker to think
that an exciting cause of the neuralgia in Saw Palmetto And Hair this case had been the
pus accumulation in the antrum.
The second case had been that of an adult woman who,
without any symptoms of pus accumulation in the antrum, had
had a chronic and exceedingly severe neuralgia Saw Palmetto For Women of the supra-
orbital Saw Palmetto For Hair and supramaxillary region. An opening had been made
into the antrum and a large quantity of pus evacuated. A fa-
vorable prognosis had been made in this case because of the for-
tunate experience with the other one ; but in this second one he
had been mistaken, for after a short time the neuralgia had re-

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最後使用紀錄:Tuesday, 19 November 2013, 02:34 AM  (3834 日 4 小時)