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[New York
Medical Journal.
into, to determine any previous pulmonary diseases,
their duration and association with present ihness.
4. Enquiry for early symptoms. Amon^^ these
may be mentioned cough, afternoon fever, What S Acai Berry loss of
weight, aiid haemoptysis. Cough is the most Super Acai Berry fre-
quent initial symptom, and the one for which the
patients seek advice. It should, therefore, Acai Berry In Uk be more
seriously considered Acai Berry Singapore than it often is. We are too
prone to dismiss it as bronchitis or some throat
trouble without a thorough investigation. I would
recommend this rule : Consider Acai Berry Store every case of
cough lasting for 100 Acai Berry several zvceks, especially in one
not susceptible, as being possibly tuberculous, un-
til you Jiave employed every available means of ex-
cluding it.
Afternoon fever will not be detected unless it is
looked for, therefore, the necessity for the use of
the thermometer; its use should become a habit.
Professor Cornet thus speaks of fever: "One of
the most important points in diagnosis, and I may
add in therapy, is the early and exact estimation
of the temperature ; the great importance of this
symptom warrants the utmost care in determining
it, — the pulse constitutes a very unreliable index
of that temperature." The patient should be m-
structed in the use of the thermometer, and Acai Berry Uk be re-
quired to take his temperature at two or four hour
intervals for several days a week. This is possible
even with Acai Berry Product dispensary patients. Professor Calmette
says: "Among clinical signs, that should be sought
for with the greatest attention, Acai Berry Price that which deserves
to be mentioned Acai Berry Site first is the instability of the body Acai Berry 100
temperature, the irregularities observed after al-
ternations of Mega T Acai Berry slight fatigue and repose m persons
normally fever free, indicate a functional Acai Berry Cost disturb-
ance of nutrition, which, in the majority of cases,
is associated with beginning tuberculosis." In gen-
eral, the thermic equilibrium is disturbed in tuber-
culous individuals, before any other manifestation
makes Acai Berry 500 its appearance. An hour's walk is enough
to produce an elevation of temperature of from four
fifths Acai Berry In India of a degree to one degree (Centigrade) ob-
servation taken at short intervals during several
periods of twenty-four hours, day and night, may
put the examiner on the track of a suspected diag-
Weight. Of great importance is the observation
of the body weight ; if a man takes sufficient Acai Berry S nour-
ishment, and yet constantly loses weight, one is
justified in suspecting tuberculosis, unless there is
some other evident cause. The doctor should per-
sonally watch this symptom.
Haemoptysis. This symptom I wish to empha-
size, because I do not think its importance is ap-
preciated, Acai Berry Natural I might almost say that it is more con-
vincing to the patient Acai Berry India than to the doctor. Pro-
fessor Cornet thus speaks of it: "In the vast ma-
jority of cases it speaks for pulmonary tuberculosis,
although it is not absolutely pathognomonic. Vari-
ous as are the possible causes, in practice one will
rarely err if a patient feels a sudden tickling in the
throat, and then coughs up foamy blood mixed with
air, in assuming that pulmonary tuberculosis is
present and treating accordingly." There are many
other symptoms which should be carefully observed,
such as malaise, loss of appetite, fatigue after the
usual work. etc.
5. Physical examination is probably the most
important means of diagnosis, but it should be
thorough. The profession must realize that the
first consideration is to bare the chest of the patient.
The examination should include inspection, palpa-
tion, percussion, and auscultation, and may n^ed to
be repeated several times. The average doctor
would become very much more proficient if he
would practise his examination more, frequently. I
do not care to discuss the physical phenomena
which may be considered as positive evidence of
the disease. I have Order Acai Berry left that to others, but I do
want to emphasize this point, in the absence of very
positive physical signs, but where two or three
symptoms are present, we would be justified in con-
sidering the case one of probable tuberculosis and
institutmg appropriate treatment. Such Acai Berry Vitamin a proced-
ure would insure the best ultimate result.
6. Examination of sputum. That the majority

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