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Until quite recently the therapeutics of mental dis-
eases have been very primitive, in view of the patho- Topamax Yellow
logical advances that have been made in so many differ-
ent directions, and do not appear to have been seriously
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I have for several years been impressed with the so-
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have looked for some more Topamax Price Canada direct and reasonable causes
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ing the conclusion that in very many instances the ex-
istence of defective oxidation will explain the clinical
features of numerous insanities which were formerly
Read before the Medical Society of London, Maj 11, 1896
roughly classified with regard to their mental character-
istics alone, as mania, melancholia, dementia, or still
further particularized by the names which defined their
periodicity, or the crisis at which they appeared, or the
element of hereditary predisposition; although in a few
exceptions, notably hepatic and rheumatismal insani-
ties, the somatic element has been recognized.
The defect of most classifications of an assigned aeti-
ology is that no serious attempt is made to satisfactorily
connect the alleged cause with the symptoms and sat-
isfactorily explain them. Granted Order Topamax Online No Prescription that intrinsic defects,
due to heredity, exist, no very clear or satisfactory ex-
planation is given of what initial physical and sec-
ondary psychic disturbances follow. A great deal has
been written about increased or diminished tension of
the cerebral arterial system, but to those familiar with
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larity of cerebral hyperemia or anaemia must be mani-
fest. Why a periodical mania should develop, subside,
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ing unchanged during the entire course, has not been
definitely explained. Why a confusional insanity most
unexpectedly follows a surgical operation when there is
little or no shock, or a form of puerperal insanity ap-
pears weeks after parturition, and when the danger of
local sepsis has long disappeared, suggests the necessity
of some fresh explanation.
Before going further in this direction it may be well
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gard Mail Order Topamax to the pathology and aetiology of such everyday dis-
orders as acute mania or melancholia was stimulated by
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disturbance is usually entirely out of proportion to any
cerebral shock or demand upon the brain, and it seems
strange that where the most extreme kinds of mental
strain exist in some individuals, they are attended by
comparatively little or no general disturbance. I was
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tered to some extent, or not at all. The observations of
Herter and Smith point to the fact that that protean
neurosis, neurasthenia, is closely connected with some
form of disturbed intestinal function, and Eccles and
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最後使用紀錄:Thursday, 21 November 2013, 06:13 AM  (3825 日 23 小時)