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Related post: it was apt to be found in small round balls in the fasces,
and it is therefore recommended that all intestinal anti-
septics should be given in small and repeated doses.
Naphthalin, if administered in capsules, which, as
a rule, is necessary because of its offensive odor, is some-
times passed in an unaltered state. My experience is that
of Herter and Smith, that there is no agent which ap-
proaches salicylate of sodium, so far as its antiseptic ad-
vantages are concerned, and I have given it in from ten
to fifteen grains, thrice daily, and found it of especial
value in melancholia and other insanities where the cere-
bral condition is one of anaemia. The use of this drug,
which produces a condition of increased arterial tension,
is rather against the theory that uric acid produces cere-
bral symptoms, for not only is it of service because of its
antiseptic action, but in the anaamic brain of melan-
cholia it certainly brings about an improvement through
accession of new blood and nutritive material.
In insanity of a toxic nature there is, as we know,
a destruction of haemoglobin, and a very greatly reduced
number of red corpuscles. This condition of affairs is
not only met with in the acute insanities due to the
absorption of putrefactive products of intestinal indi-
gestion, but in old insanities as well, and Johnson-Smyth
found the red corpuscles reduced to 4,070,000 and the
haemoglobin to fifty per cent, in the case of secondary
So far as the nutrition of the individual is concerned,
I have had the best results with a combination which is
a rapid producer of nuclein, and Urispas 200 Mg when we appreciate the
fact that in the majority of these cases there is a de-
struction Buy Urispas Online of the coloring matter, as well as other blood
elements, the provision of some agent rich in this sub-
stance is an absolute necessity.
Kemedial measures of this kind consisted in Urispas 200mg the use
of a combination of a glyceride of the red marrow of
small bones with bullock's blood, the amount of glycerin
being regulated both in quantity and temperature so that
coagulation does not take place during its preparation.
With this preparation I have been enabled to prevent
waste, and build up my patients much more rapidly
than with any of the other more Urispas 200 popular restorative
agents, and its use at two of the large hospitals for the
insane in New York was attended by an increase of red
corpuscles to the extent of fifty per cent., and depressed
states were quickly helped.*
The possible conclusions are, I think, the following:
1. Urines rich in indican contain very little or no
preformed sulphuric acid, and are toxic.
2. When the sulphate ratio is materially changed, it
is likely to indicate autotoxis in connection with an in-
crease in the amount of combined or ethereal sulphates.
3. Such indications are generally found with acute
insanities, in which rapidly developing symptoms occur.
4. Fugacious and changing illusions and hallucina-
tions, unsystematized delusions, confusion and verbi-
geration in connection with insomnia, pallor, intestinal
indigestion, constipation, and rapid exhaustion are due
to autotoxis.
5. Paranoiac states, or those in which concepts are
the features, chronic stuporous conditions, and certain
forms of dementia have little to do with the formation of
intestinal products of putrefaction.
6. Various post-febrile, traumatic, alcoholic, or Buy Urispas drug
insanities are those in Cheap Urispas which autotoxis is most constant.
7. The variations in the excretion of combined sul-
phates keep pace with the changes in the progress of an
established insanity, acces and epileptoid attacks be-
ing directly connected with putrefactive processes.
8. The most successful treatment consists in lavage,
intestinal douches, gastric and intestinal antisepsis by
means of hydrochloric acid, borax, salicylate of sodium,
charcoal, guaiacol, or naphthalin in small repeated doses.
The administration of a combination of the red marrow
from the small bones, blood, and glycerin.
Senator. Centralblatt.f. d. med. Wissensch., 18? - ,'.
Salomon. Archiv fur Anat. und Phys., l^ s '.';
Archir fiir Anat. und Phys., 18S5, p. .">?0.
Spitzka. On Insanity.
* The preparation which has been celled Urispas 100 Mg oamogen t\v its manufac-
turers was thai used in the Hudson River State Hospital in Poughkeep-
sic. Sri' Dr. Pilgrim's article in the At ■■ surgical Bulletin
for June 6, 1896
Nov. 14, 1896.1

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最後使用紀錄:Thursday, 21 November 2013, 08:54 AM  (3832 日 14 小時)