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Related post: spot appears in the site of each; this darkens to a faint
red, lasts about half an hour, and finally slowly dis-
appears. The rash is not attended by itching, burning,
or inconvenience. He has observed it so frequently in
his own person that there can be no doubt of its occur- Benicar 20mg
rence. He has also seen it upon the forearms of his
assistants, though not so vividly marked as upon his
own. He has twice noted it upon the exposed skin
round the breast in Benicar Prices cases of removal of that organ. He
states that it certainly is not constant, and this makes
him believe that the cause is to be found in some pe-
culiar condition of the blood. On one occasion it was
remarkably vivid upon the back of his forearm after
washing away the arterial Buy Benicar Hct speckling contracted in the
excision of a tuberculous knee. He has often shown it
to the house surgeons, who are familiar with its appear-
ance on his own arms. Benicar Purchase The author says he is quite
unable to explain its occurrence, and thinks an un-
usual phenomenon of this kind is worthy of the atten-
tion and investigation of others. He has no doubt it
will be commonly found, and he proposes for the time
to apply to it the appellation of " blood erythema."
Tuberculosis of the Tonsils in the Vegetative Form.
— In the Revue hebdomadaire de laryngalogie, d'otologie
et de rhinologie for November 7th M. Mouret remarks
that since Dieulafoy maintained that he had demon-
strated primary tuberculosis of the tonsils by inoculat-
ing guinea-pigs with fragments of these organs, and
since Lermoyez had demonstrated histologically that
adenoid vegetations of the pharyngeal tonsils were
sometimes tuberculous, the question of tuberculosis of
the tonsils has become a subject of interest to physi-
cians in general and laryngologists in particular. Hav-
ing had occasion himself to remove some adenoid vege-
tations from the palatine tonsils of a young man, M.
Mouret Benicar 20 Mg thought it would be of interest to record the
case, of which he gives a detailed account. These
vegetations were subjected Generic Benicar to an examination; they were
fixed in Roule's liquid and inclosed in paraffin, and Benicar Cheap the
sections were colored according to Ziehl's method. The
histological examination showed that the vegetations
were filled with giant cells and Cost Of Benicar presented a very large
number of Koch's bacilli. An attempt was made, says
the author, Benicar 20 to photograph the bacilli, but the results
obtained were not distinct enough, and a drawing was
made which represents an enormous giant cell with its
jagged periphery and the Generic Benicar Hct numerous peripheral shells
which characterized it; all around this cell there was a
thick band of leucocytes; in Generic For Benicar its interior two bacilli
were found, which, in the colored preparations made
by Ziehl's method, became of a red color from the
fuchsine, which fixed them more strongly than the
other elements of the Benicar Price preparations. The bacilli were
[X. Y. Med. Joub.
also seeD in the neighboring tissues, which showed
-I mptoma of nei i o
\l. Mouret thinks thai 1 lie histological ex;
iimii fully demonstrated the tuberculous nature of these
vegetations, and he calls attention to this vegetative
and non-ulcerative form of tuberculosis of the ton LI
c terning Buy Benicar the question of primary or secondary
tuberculosis Buy Benicar Online in this case, M. Mourel states that a1 the
time he saw the patient there was nothing to cause him to
suppose that there was primary Benicar Hct tuberculosis. The con-
dition of the laryns Led him to think, on the contrary,
that it must have been secondary, as is more often the
ease. But, he says, granting the advanced tubercu-
lous condition of these vegetations, it may also be ques-
tioned whether this vegetative tuberculosis was not
primary. At all events, Benicar Hct Generic it may be admitted a priori
that this may be the ease more frequently than we are
aware of, and that the tonsils may be tuberculous be-
fore any other organs are attacked by Koch's bacilli.
Since Lermoyez has shown that adenoid vegetations of
the pharyngeal tonsils may be tuberculous without
manifestations of tuberculosis elsewhere, it is rational
enough to admit that this may be the case in the pala-
tine tonsils. However, continues M. Mouret, if tuber-
culosis of the palatine tonsils is admitted at the present
time, Benicar Beta Blocker the demonstration of primary tuberculosis of these
organs has not yet been sufficiently established; this is
owing, no doubt, he says, to the fact that histological
examinations of the parts removed are not made often
enough. Such an examination only can reveal whether
a vegetation of the tonsils, or an hypertrophied tonsil in
a mass, in a child or Price Of Benicar an adult who has no tuberculous
manifestation elsewhere, is of a bacillary nature. It is
not sufficient to inoculate fragments of a diseased ton- Benicar Generic
sil under the skin or in the peritonaeum of a guinea-
pig in order to establish, if Benicar Tablets the animal becomes tuber-
culous, that this tonsil was tuberculous. So many mi-
crobes constantly inhabit the buccal cavity that Koch's

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最後使用紀錄:Thursday, 21 November 2013, 11:38 AM  (3818 日 15 小時)