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tion at the head of the therapeutic means available in
the treatment of the manifold dyspeptic conditions.
The explanation of how the current exercises its
curative effect has a merely theoretical interest. In
regard to the practical use and value of a certain remedy,
it can be at present estimated by empirical results alone.
This being obtained in numerous eases by various au-
thors, and being favorable, the remedy will have to be
pronounced useful, otherwise not.
The reports on intragastric electrization which have
of late been published are quite numerous and very
favorable. This mode of treatment is, therefore, of
great value and deserves to be still more promulgated
than it thus far has been.
That old, well-recognized remedies which have stood
the test of experience are occasionally repudiated by
physiological experiments is an occurrence which has
been of late frequently observed. I need only mention,
as an instance, the effect upon the stomach of the bitter
remedies (amara), which has been refuted by the experi-
ments of Tschelzoff on dogs and of JaworsM on human
beings. Notwithstanding this, the " amara " continue
to be used, and I should not be astonished if new Primaquine Cost experi-
ments, arranged somewhat differently, should prove the
efficacy of this class of remedies and obtain for them
warm advocates.
' Although I am, myself, an ardent believer in ex-
perimental investigation, I am, nevertheless, of the opin-
ion that old facts should not be so quickly upset.
If we now again turn to direct electrization of the
stomach, we find that an important investigator has
recently written against this therapeutic means, basing
his views entirely upon experiments made on animals.
I mean Dr. S. J. Meltzer.* Intragastric electrization
being of Primaquine Tablets practical importance and high value, I Primaquine Phosphate consider
it opportune to enter upon a discussion of this subject.
In his paper, An Experimental Study of Direct and
Indirect Faradization of the Digestive Canal in Dogs,
Cats, and Rabbits, Meltzer arrives at the following con-
clusions: " The mucous membrane of the digestive
canal offers a considerable resistance to the penetration
of the faradaic current Buy Primaquine to the muscular coat; the great-
est resistance is found in the mucous membrane of the
stomach. The percutaneous and the direct faradization
of the stomach or the intestines can not produce any
contraction in these parts.
" My statements have reference only to the animals
I experimented with. However, abdominal surgery
might offer an opportunity to test their validity for the
human being." ,
In perusing Dr. Meltzer's paper the following three
points are somewhat startling:
1. In studying direct electrization cf the stomach on
animals — in which one electrode was situated within the
viscus, the other at the serosa — this investigator did not
* S. J. Meltzer. New York Medical Journal, June 16, 1S95
[N. Y. Med. Joub.,
get any contraction whatever of the stomach, even if the
faradaic current was very strong and if the two elec-
id« were not very far apart. (If the electrodes were
directly opposite each other, then a strong current pro-
duced weak contraction.
2. In faradizing the gastric serosa with a bipolar elec-
trode, Meltzer produced contractions only in the pyloric
portion of the stomach, whereas the fundus of the organ
remained inert even when the current was very strong.
3. The resistance of the gastric mucosa, according
to Meltzer, is different from that of all other mucous
membranes, being here very great.
While the first two points have direct reference to
experiments on animals, the accuracy of which can only
be ascertained by similar trials on animals, the third
point is merely theoretically constructed, and, as it ap-
pears to me, on a false basis.
In contrast to Meltzer's experiments on animals I
will report some of my own investigations, which I copy
from my record book.
Experiment I ; July 2, 1895. — Frog fastened with
nails to a board; abdomen opened. Stomach filled with

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最後使用紀錄:Thursday, 21 November 2013, 02:19 PM  (3831 日 6 小時)