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A New Treatment of Hip Disease by Arthrotomy,
Scooping of the Head and Neck of the Femur, and Trans-
trochanteric Drainage. — The Revue Zestoretic Online cle chirurgie for No-
vember 10th contains a report of the Congres francais
de chirurgie, at which M. Delageniere stated that he had
adopted Purchase Zestoretic the following technics: Purchase Zestoretic Online An incision similar to
Langenheck's was made, but extending farther down on
the thigh, to about two centimetres below the base of the
great trochanter. This incision should measure about
fifteen centimetres. The fibres of the glutseus maximus
were separated in order to penetrate as far as the pelvic-
trochanterie muscles; the pyramidalis and the glutseus
medius were separated and an incision of the perios-
teum was made from the acetabulum as far as the
base of the great trochanter; this included the internal
and external surfaces of this bony prominence. The
articular capsule was opened by a T-shaped incision in
order to permit of exploration of Order Zestoretic Online the articulation. After-
ward the periosteum on each side of the incision was de-
tached in order to make the operation subperiosteal. Zestoretic Cost
The upper border of the great trochanter was excised as
far as the upper border of the neck; with a gouge-forceps
the neck was hollowed as far as the head; afterward the
head was scooped and Zestoretic Generic a portion of the articular cartilage
was removed.
Finally, the treatment terminated in scooping of the
great trochanter, Zestoretic 20 12.5 Mg which M. Delageniere followed to
within a centimetre of its base in order to establish a
regularly dependent passage following the direction of
Merkel's spur. The soft parts were then united above
the hollow passage, after a metallic tube had been laid
in the bottom of the passage, the outer end of Zestoretic 20 which
was attached to the skin. This drain should be left in
place until the patient recovered.
M. Delageniere stated that he had practised this
operation twice in cases of very grave suppurating cox-
algia, and the two patients had Buy Cheap Zestoretic made a rapid recovery.
The conclusions to be drawn from these facts, he
said, were the following: 1. The operation was simple
and easy. 2. It did not seem to be of a serious nature.
3. Drainage of the diseased articulation and of the epiph-
ysis was obtained definitively. 4. The hip preserved
its shape and part of its movements.
M. Calot thought that coxalgia should be cured with-
out lameness. Contrary to former opinions, this disease
was scarcely ever fatal; it was not Order Zestoretic really serious except
when secondary infections supervened. It was not cor-
rect to maintain that coxalgia which had been cured al-
ways left indelible traces in the shape of a very awkward
lameness. At the present time the mobility of the limb
might be preserved in a great majority of cases.
In order to obtain this result, it was necessary for the
surgeon to keep his patients under daily observation
from the first stage of the disease. The surgeon was
responsible, he thought, for Zestoretic Strengths the bad attitudes that might
be taken by the limb; they only were the cause of the
lameness. M. Calot stated that a Buy Zestoretic patient who was cured
of coxalgia, with a shortening of two centimetres, and
even stiffness of the hip, would eventually be able to
walk without showing any Buy Zestoretic Online pronounced lameness, if Zestoretic Price the
muscles were strengthened by massage, and if he was
taught to walk.
The great majority of patients who were cured were
left with an insignificant shortening of the limb, with a
scarcely noticeable atrophy, and preserved some move-
ments of the articulation. M. Calot had even seen in
two cases the entire restoration of the movements of the
articulation, after suppuration of the articular cavity.
On the whole, against the grave defects of lameness,
defective attitude, and iliac subluxation, we had a potent
remedy in immobilization by means of plaster of Paris. Zestoretic Tablets
Above all, resection should not be practised.
Salol in the Treatment of Acute Angina in Children.
— In the Journal des praticiens for December 5th M.
de la Carriere remarks that the internal employment of
salol in an

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