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Related post: new light of the physiology of the neurone, especially his reference to the " rearrangement of component moiu- cules." Such is no longer tenable when we come to know the anatomy as worked out by Kamon y Cajal and Golgi. Although such a crude link as this must be dropped from the new and more definite chain of the physiological union Cheap Retin ABuy Retin A No Prescription Online of the dendrites while in activity, yet this need not necessarily be dropped in toto when we consider the elaborated theory of Dercum * in regard to the functions of the neurones. Buy Retin-A Micro Gel The nervous discharge may still be attended by vivid consciousness as the den- drites endeavor to perfect a temporary anatomical or physiological union for the Buy Retin A Cream No Prescription transmission of their nervous discharge; roads may well be made easier the oftener traveled for nerve transmission, and paths may easily be made diiScult to be broken away from the more perfectly they become established. Then, Buy Retin A Gel Online too, these channels, like roadways, may well be lost or overgrown by disease. All tilings being equal, the stability and permanence of a state of consciousness is inversely proportional as the idea makes progress in acquiring new associations. One is apt to overlook the profound significance of the fact that the mere mention of the name of Discount Retin A any object and its relationship of likeness or unlikeness to another object very inadequately express all the conscious states that have passed through or have been elaborated in con- sciousness. This is always very crudely expressed in mere formula of words. The lenslike manner in which Buy Retin A Micro Online No Prescription states of consciousness narrow to a focus in a unity of con- sciousness describes well a concentrated attention. Now when we come to speak of the disordered con- sciousness in epilepsy as being the Buy Retin A Micro Gel essential symptom of the disease, we do not intend to state that this is the ultimate sjTnptom, for, back of all such play of dis- ordered psychic life, there Buy Retin A Gel No Prescription must be changes Buy Retin A From Mexico in the com- ponent atoms of the molecules comprising the nerve cells; but as this structural disorder is only represented in the functional one of disordered consciousness we are obliged to speak of the tangible and appreciable functional change instead of the vague and somewhat inconceiv- Retin A Cream Cost able anatomical one. Again, we Purchase Retin A No Prescription do not mean to state that a disorder of consciousness, as seen in epilepsy, does anything, much less produces the dementia or an actual loss of mental power, but we do mean to say that, figura- tively and relatively, this condition portrays the under- lying structural change, whatever that may be. Buy Retin A Cream which is the real, true, and powerful agent in Order Retin-A No Prescription producing such destructive action upon mentality. For many years epilepsy has been defined as a dis- ease characterized by "a loss of consciousness and a convulsion." Both of these, for obvious reasons, can not be entirely absent in a true epileptic seizure. Never- theless, we think too much stress has been laid upon the purely motor side of an epileptic attack. It is true that the muscular convulsion is very prominent, but in * American Journal of the Medical Sciences, August, 1896. the majority of cases this phenomena but faintly por- trays the much more important and equally marked change which inevitably takes place in the higher cere- bral centres. While the motor symptom of the seizure has many obvious dangers, it is by far the least impor- tant symptom of the paroxysm — one which is not ma- terially modified from month to month or from year to year, and yet the epilepsy may undergo many serious modifications, while the convulsion heralds none of these changes. The kind and degree of mental disturbance is by far the most important symptom to be considered in the proper recognition of such a disease. The motor element Buy Retin A Micro No Prescription of epilepsy is no more important than the grave disorders in conscioiTsness and the resultant mental im- pairment. Symptomatically, epilepsy might be Order Retin-A Online more accurately defined as a disorder in consciousness, as tliis is Can You Buy Retin A Over The Counter the one symptom always present in a seizure, whether it is psychic or commonly convulsive. In epilepsy we do not have simply a disease in which there is a muscular convulsion — a simple accentuation of a physiological function — but we have a profound mental disturbance, which may or may not be accom- Buy Cheap Retin A panied by perceptible motor phenomena. We are aware that some authorities state that the motor and sensory sjTuptoms of epilepsy are indissolubly associated and therefore can not be separated. They also state that an epileptic seizure never occurs without some motor manifestation. Wlrile as a theory this may be true, yet in practical observation the motor element of certain seizures is of so little account as compared with the great changes wliich are Buy Retin A Online manifest in the sensory and psychic life, that they may be disregarded. If we should formulate a definition of epilepsy it would read: Epilepsy is a disease characterized lij a periodic disordered state of coiisciuusness ivliich may or may not le preceded, attended, or followed hy Retin-A Cost a perceptible or imperceptible muscular convulsion. It will be seen that this definition states an undeniable fact in so far as it is a sjTnptomatic definition, and makes a disordered consciousness the main basis, which any one may verify from his own experience. 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