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[N. Y. Med. Jocb.,
A Weekly Review of Medicine.
Published by
Edited by
Frank P. Fosteb, M. D.
The French people seem to be affected at present
with a severe exacerbation of the traditional propensity
to abuse and persecute physicians, a propensity, unfor-
tunately, not by any means confined to them. For
months past our French exchanges have been complain-
ing of this state of things. If the Laporte affair proves
to be its culmination, our brethren in France are to be
congratulated. It seems tliat Dr. Laporte is a physi-
cian employed on the Paris night medical service and
paid a niggardly stipend from the public funds. A
physician so employed has to respond to every call,
day or night, and is supposed to bring into play the de-
gree of skill that is expected of practitioners that have
a large and remunerative private patronage. Dr. La-
porte was called at night to attend a woman in labor.
He had the misfortune to lose both mother and child.
Dr. Socquet and Dr. Maygrier were deputed to inquire
into his conduct of the case, the accused having already
been cast into prison, and their conclusion was that
he had committed " homicide by imprudence."
Commenting on this ease, the Gazette medicale de
Nantes for October 9t]i says: " It is not that we have
any prepossession whatever for the inculpated Buy Cycrin man;
we do not know him and had never heard of him; he is
obscure, poor, and unknown. • But we affirm that, if
things are to go on in this way, if aU physicians and
surgeons, great or not, are to be prosecuted on account
of their unfortunate and imprudent operations, the
prisons of France wiU have to be enlarged on a grand
scale." Our contemporary goes on to divide impru-
dence into the legitimate and the illegitimate, and asks
which variety should be imputed to Dr. Laporte. It
admits that his skill was not equal to the situation, and
is even willing to recognize that he acted with ex-
cessive hardihood. The experts foiind that se:yoi^s in-
jiiries had been inflicted upon the woman. But, asks
the Gazette, should the physician therefore be treated
like a criminal? He did his best, it says, and many
another man would have acted as he did, that is to say,
imprudently, unskillfully, and unsuccessfully.
" Wliat," asks the Gazette, " is a physician's position.
especially at night, in the face of a diiffcult accouche-
ment? Frightfulj abominable. It is a physical and
moral torture of which the public has no idea. A man
is torn from his sleep, destitute of ordinary appliances,
but obliged to act without losing an instant, on pain
of seeing a woman and a child die under his eyes. He
is isolated, dependent on his own resources alone; he has
to improvise a treatment, and he knows that he wiU
be blamed if things fail to go well. He believes that
he has not time to send for help; to procure assist-
ance might take an hour or two. If the catastrophe is
imminent, he is forced to act; so much the worse if he
is not provided with appliances or if he is unskillful.
He has been called, he is there, and he must sacrifice
himself. He takes whatever is at hand and screws up
his courage, but, if he realizes his inexperience, he loses
his head." A master of obstetrics, the Gazette contin-
ues, with more knowledge and better instruments, per-
haps would not have succeeded better.
" At all events," says the Gazette, " everybody ad-
mits that in a pressing case the accoucheur is warranted
in employing whatever means may be at hand. Do you
believe that it was for his own pleasure that our col-
league made use of instruments foreign to the surgical

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最後使用紀錄:Friday, 22 November 2013, 10:24 PM  (3831 日 )