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The great contagiousness of the mucous patch
has long been a matter of common knowledge, and
the desirability of reducing its infecting power is
thoroughly recognized in the interest of social
prophylaxis. The lesion teems with spirochaetse.
and any slight and superficial solution of continuity
sets them free. Some important experiments have
been made by Dr. Purchase Yagara Online E. Jeanselme and Dr. A. Tou-
raine {Bulletins ct mcmoires de la Socicte mcdicale
dcs hopitaux dc Paris, August 4th) with regard to
the comparative efficiency of certain applications —
"caustics" they call them — in killing the spirochstae.
They first dried the surface with absorbent cotton
and then scraped the patch, examining with the
ultramicroscope both the debris scraped off and the
reddish serosity subsequently exuding, as well with
as without the application of a "caustic."
The substances applied were nitrate of silver
(solid and in solution), tincture of iodine, Buy Cheap Yagara oxyge-
nated water, calomel ointment, and ordinary mer-
curial ointment. The silver salt and iodine seemed
to be more efficient than the others, though little
use was made of oxygenated water, on account of
th.e painfulness of the application. The solid stick
of silver Order Yagara nitrate was found much more effective
than any solution, and this fact the authors attrib-
ute to the action of water in causing such a tumid-
ity of the cells as to impede the penetration of the
nitrate, although mere ^water itself possesses some
efficacy in destroying the spirochsetae. The oint-
ments mentioned were slow in their action and com-
])aratively inefficient, tint the triumph of any one
of these applications is only temporary : in a few
days, sometimes at the end of forty-eight hours,
as many virulent organisms are to be found as at
first. Therefore the lesion must be treated till it
The physiological part played by the kidneys ex-
plains the frequency of their action in the develop-
ment of lesions of the heart and vascular system.
The changes taking place in arterial tension and the
size of the heart are most frequent in the nephri-
tides of the adult. In the nephritides of childhood
the action of the kidney on the heart and vascular
system is still poorly understood, and consequently
a recent paper by Nobecourt and Voisin. Purchase Yagara in the
Archives de incdccinc dcs cufants, is of consider-
able importance. They have collected numerous
cases of acute infantile nephritis during the pro-
gress of which the cardiovascular symptoms con-
sisted principally in a dilatation of the heart, an in-
crease in the arterial pressure, the presence of a
bruit de galop, and increase Buy Yagara Online in the size of the liver.
These phenomena frequently coexist, but not al-
ways, with an increase of weight and oedema in
various portions of the bodw They are essentially
transitory and often undergo their evolution unde-
The mechanism of these various symproms may
be explained as follows : Under the influence of
the renal lesion a retention of liquid occurs, with an
increase in weight, oedema, and a rise in the arterial
pressure ; the work of the heart is increased and the
organ becomes dilated ; the liver in its turn becomes
distended from the fact Buy Yagara of the cardiac dilatation.
When the renal permeability becomes reestablished
and diuresis takes place, the oedema decreases, the
blood pressure becomes lowered, and the heart re-
turns to its former anatomical condition. The car-
diac changes are the more marked the greater the
acuteness of the renal lesions in the beginning, and
its functions are considerably involved.
During a subacute or chronic nephritis the same
accidents arise if an Order Yagara Online acute inflammatory attack or
an intercurrent affection should arise. After a time
the dilatation may become permanent and l)e accom-
panied by a certain degree of cardiac hypertrophy.
The changes arising in the cardiovascular apparatus
during acute nephritis, so evident and common in
childhood, do not appear to take place in the adult
to the same extent or with the same frequency.
This difference in the reaction of the heart in the
child and in the adult jierhaps may be accounted for
October 22, lyio |

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最後使用紀錄:Saturday, 23 November 2013, 01:06 AM  (3830 日 )