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Related post: posture of the patient or the act of defecation, urination,
or respiration. The persistence for several weeks of a
slightly abnormal temperature, associated with physical
signs already mentioned as characteristic of chronic peri-
tonitis, will aid greatly in the diagnosis. The previous his-
tory of an attack of acute peritonitis from which a perfect
recovery has not taken place, recurrent attacks of appendi-
citis, or pelvic peritonitis are all valuable aids. The exist-
ence of cancer of some abdominal organ, or of tuberculosis,
either general or local, associated with the symptoms of the
lesion under discussion, are also valuable in a diagnostic
Recent experiments with tuberculin seem to indicate its
efficiency as a diagnostic means in tuberculous peritonitis.
In five cases * recently reported, three by Olshausen and
two by Fritsch, distinct and marked reaction occurred.
Four times regular elevations of temperature of 104° F. oc-
curred, which, however, soon diminished. In the fifth case
the reaction consisted only in great frequency of pulse and
respiration. The symptoms of local reaction consisted in
tension of the Order Valacyclovir abdomen and bloating, of great distention of
the belly, and vomiting. In one case it a])peared as if the
ascites were temporarily Purchase Valacyclovir Online increased. Fritsch operated once
during this stage of reaction and found the whole perito-
* Annuls of Gynacology, May, 1891, p. 461.
nuMiin very red un«l apparently swollen; very much thick-
ened, as though infiltrated. In several cascH there was ap
parent partial disappearance of the ascites.
Winter,* in summarizing the r

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最後使用紀錄:Sunday, 24 November 2013, 05:01 PM  (3825 日 2 小時)