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Related post: oration, but no ulceration evident. Sputum, 80 c. c.
lOlh. — There was an ulceration at posterior end of the right
vocal cord.
lith. — Injected 0-060 gramme, which caused no rise of tem- Cheap Lidocaine
perature. Sputum, 40 c. c. Vital capacity, 2,500.
12th. — Sputum, 40 c c. Rales at left apex decreased.
Lymphatic glands of axillse still infiltrated. The ulceration on
the right Lignocaine Patches vocal process still present.
13th. — Injected 0-070 gramme of "lym[)h" without pro-
ducing any reaction. Sputum, 30 c. c. Feels well.
iSCA.— Sputum, 40 c. c. Injected 0-090 gramme of •' lymph,"
but without reaction.
nth. — Injected 100 milliijrammes without reaction. Vital
capacity, 2,200. Sputum, 60 c. c.
18th. — Feels well. Sputum frothy and mucous iu Lignocaine Gel character.
Somewhat purulent in Lidocaine Buy the morning.
19th. — Gave 100 Lignocaine Patch milligrammes without reaction.
2Ist. — Gave 120 millif/rammen without reaction. Sputum,
60 c. c. Motility of left vocal cord returned. Weight one hun-
dred and fourteen pounds — a gain of four pounds.
Case III. — Mrs. E., about forty, housewife. Father died of
consumption. Mother and two brothers healthy. Always sick-
ly as a child. Not scrofulous. Men-trualed at sixteen. Has had
one child. Five) ears ago liad " throat trouble." Has always
hud bronchitis. During the hist year and a half has Lignocaine Lidocaine lost in
weight; before that, weighed 128 pounds. She coiuphiined on
December 9th of general weakness, cough, expectoration, and
pain in the epiga.strium. Condition when she entered the hos-
pital: Face expressed sullering; suspicion of .syphilis; no
fN. Y. Med. Jouk.,
oedema ; skin anieinic and dry ; tongne shows no coating; ton-
sils and pharynx normal; spleen rather large; stomach di-
lated; nttrns retrotlexed. The inter-arytajnoid folds are swol-
len, and cover the vocal cords as a projection. She Generic Lidocaine is hoarse.
No Purchase Lidocaine Online true ulceration to be seen within the larjnx. Dullness over
left clavicle and harsh vesicular breatliing and moist rales at
left apex. Posteriorly at left apex consolidation for abont two
fingers' breadth. All other portions of the lungs free from dis-
ease. The sputum wan purulent and contained many Order Lidocaine bacilli.
When she came to hospital she weighed 93 pounds. When first
injected, November 21st, weighed 92 pounds. From September
9th to November 2 1st had more or less diarrhoea. Her tem-
perature was generally a low Buy Cheap Lidocaine hectic— -St)" or 36'5° C. in the
morning and Lidocaine Where To Buy 37° or 38° C. in the evening. Just before the first
injection both apices were dull above the scapular spines, the Lignocaine Cream
left side showing more dullness than the right. Occasional
rales at both apices, and on the left side tubular expiration Where To Buy Lidocaine and
low consonant rales posteriorly. Anteriorly dullness seems
greater at right apex. Purchase Lidocaine No chest pains. Laryngosco|)e shows
some projection of the inter-arytrenoid fold. Vocal cords close
imperfectly on Buy Lidocaine phonation. The true vocal cords a little red-
dened. The ventricular bands slightly swollen. During Sep-
tember she had night-sweats, but in October they Buy Lidocaine Online were less pro-
fuse. History of case since injections with lymph :
November Slst. — At 8 a. m. injected 0'002 gramme of
"lymph"; 6 p.m., temperature, 37° C. ; pulse, 90; respira-
tions, 22.
32d. — At 8 A. M. injected 0'005 gramme of " lymph " ; tem-
perature, 6 P.M., 38° C. ; pulse, 110; respiration^ 28. The first
two injections on two successive days produced no typical rise
of temperature. On both evenings during the action of the
remedy she complained of great weakness. No laryngeal or
pulmonary changes. On the morning of the third day com-
plained of dizziness and nausea. The sputum contained a small
quantity of blood for the first time since the injections were
begun. It may be said here that early in November she Lidocaine Online had
an hajmoptysis.
2Jtth. — At 8 A. .M. injected 0'008 gramme of "lymph."
Temperature, 6 P.M., 38° C. Temperature fell gradually till
next morning at six o'clock, when it was 36'3° C. Dullness at
the apices increased after the injections. On the left side it ex-
tended to the fifth vertebra, on the right side to the spine of
the scapula. This increase of dullness is regarded as the local
reaction of the lung.
25th. — Increased diarrhrea. Sleeps poorly. Temperature
3C"6° 0. Lignocaine Ointment in the evening. At left apex, bronchial breathing. .\t
right apex, internal bronchial breathing.
aSlh. — ."Vt 9 A.M. injected O'OIO gramme of "lymph."'
Temperature in the evening 38-G° C. At 4 p. m. of same day
had a chill, headache, and pain in chest and back, also Lidocaine Lignocaine nausea.
Her constitutional reaction was as great as in others who had
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最後使用紀錄:Monday, 25 November 2013, 07:58 PM  (3813 日 23 小時)