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Related post: station at Washington Barracks. Par. 3, .S. O. 104, Division of the
Atlantic, May 20, 1S91.
Woon, Marshall W., Captain and Assistant Surgeon, is hereby granted
leave of absence for one month, to commence on or about the 2 'il
instant. Pur. I, S. 0. Uti, Division of the Atlantic, May 2i>, I8»l.
McCitEEitv, Georuk, Captain Reglan 10mg and Assistant Surgeon, is, by direction of
the Secretary of War, relieved fioiii duty at Foil Clark, Texas, and Buy Reglan
will report in person Ui the commanding officer. Fort Mcintosh,
Texas, for duty at that post. Par. 4, S. O. 114, A. G. 0., May 19,
Skjnxer, John 0., Captain and Assistant Surgeon, Fort Davis, Texas,
will proceed at once to Fort Clark, Texas, and report to the com-
manding officer for temporary duty. Par. 4, S. 0. 44, Department
of Texas, May 13, 1891.
Marine-Hospital Service. — Official List of the Changes of Statiotis
and Onliis of Mn/ical Officers of the United States Marine-Hospital
Service for the

地區:New York,
最後使用紀錄:Tuesday, 26 November 2013, 06:19 PM  (3797 日 8 小時)