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Related post: Neither can we depend for positive information
upon a leucocyte count, for an old exudate has no
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Frisch reports a case that illustrates the impor-
tance of this differential diagnosis. "Many years
ago," he says, 'T did an ovariectomy upon a patient
Vv'ho had come a long distance on account of a
myoma as large as a Panadol Online fcetal head with severe haemor-
rhage. The patient had no fever and left the hos-
pital cured. Ten weeks later severe fever began
and I discovered a parametritis at the usual site
above Poupart's ligament ; the pus w^as discharged
and the tumor disappeared. I had mistaken an old
exudate for a myoma and the ovariectomy was
entirely useless."
Experimental adhesions of the peritonaeum of
dogs may be produced by undue exposure to dry
air, cold air, mechanical trauma, and culture of
microorganisms. Therefore in operating upon the
human subjects these factors should be avoided,
success is only achieved after careful practice in
the minutia of technique. An operator may have
great surgical judgment and extraordinary manipu-
lative dexterity, and yet fail in the details of tech-
nique, as exhibited by himself or his assistant. We
must therefore take notice of the temperature and
humidity of the operating room, and must remem-
ber that for a prolonged exposure of the peri-
tonaeum the most suitable atmosphere is, theo-
retically, one that is very moist and of the tempera-
ture of the peritonaeum. Practically, this is never
found, Buy Panadol because operating staffs dislike to work
under such conditions. . An atmosphere charged
with moisture at temperature of go" F. is perhaps
the limit of endurance for prolonged surgical work.
Defect in this Generic Panadol respect in atmospheric conditions
may to a great extent be made good by the avoid-
ance of unnecessary exposure of viscera, protect-
ing everything, save the immediate area of opera-
tion, with gauze pads soaked in hot normal solu-
The next most important step to pursue is the
avoidance of trauma of the peritonaeum ; sponging
should be employed as little as possible, and all
manipulations should be carried out with great
gentleness, the injudicious use of retractors is' like-
wise to be deprecated. Care should be taken in
removing tissue or separating adhesions that there
be left no exposed areas, when it is possible to bury
them under the peritonaeum. Small areas on the
parietal peritonaeum, omentum, bladder, broad liga-
ments, and mesenteries may usually be easily cov-
ered with adjacent peritonaeum bv means of con-
tinuous catgut.
If we find it impossible to perform peritoneo-
plasty, we can often bring down a portion of Buy Panadol Online the
omentum and with a few stitches of fine catgut
protect the abraded surface. I have found it ad-
visable in abrasions of Order Panadol Online the rectum to even cover
the same with the uterus. We should also be very
careful to avoid any raw surfaces in the closure
of our peritoneal incision, thus to exclude any raw
ed^t from the peritoneal cavity to avoid omental
adhesions to the abdominal scar.
In removal of the uterus, tumors, or infected
[New V'orx
Medical Journal.
tubes and ovaries, where extensive separation of
adhesions has to be carried out, I have found it
advisable to use portions of the broad Ugaments
with the intervening uterine peritonseum, forming
a f^ap across the pelvis to be turned backward and
stitched to the parietes and rectum, so as to form
a new covering on the pelvic floor. Sometimes in
extensive raw areas I stitch the uterine ligamentous
flap to the upper part of the rectum and its mesen-
tery, as it lies in a natural oblique direction across
the pelvis. In this way the pelvic cavity may be
entirely shut ofif from the general abdominal cav-
ity and the latter may often be left without a single
raw area ; furthermore, the general abdominal
cavity will be protected from the infected pelvis
and the vaginal drainage may be kept up without
any risk. Thus we can in most Cheap Panadol cases use the rec-
tum and peritoneal flaps- to cover the pelvis com-
pletely. And if a gap should be left in the right
posterior half of the brim the caecum if movable
may be used (after removal of the appendix) to
complete the deficiency, it being attached to the
rectum and parietal peritonaeum by a few stitches
of fine catgut.

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最後使用紀錄:Wednesday, 27 November 2013, 02:34 AM  (3797 日 8 小時)