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 東東員工學習網: 個人紀錄: Ipratropium Albutero Albuterol Inhaler Co


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Ipratropium Albutero Albuterol Inhaler Co

Ipratropium Albuterol
Ipratropium Albuterol

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Sept. 5, 1891.]
bed so long. Nothin'.r else especially characterized his case, and
when the month closed my observations upon him ceased.
Case II. — W. O. My observations upon this child com- Albuterol Use
menced on Albuterol Ipratropium the 6th of June, 1875, and on the next day I noticed
the child was complaining and restless, but was all right on the
day following. (Jo the 9th the child complained a little during
the day. Sneezed a good deal. Slight congestion of conjunc- Price Of Albuterol
tivae. (The measles has appeared in a boy in the next ward.)
June 10th, 7.15 A. M. — Coughs slightly, and slight Albuterol Aerosol epistaxis.
At the evening observations the patient Albuterol Cost was removed to the
" measles ward." Generic Albuterol Eruption beginning to appear on the face. Hfa Albuterol
Cough. Case uncomplicated and typical. Herpes labialis pres- Aerosol Albuterol
11th, 6.43 A. Cost Albuterol M. — Eruption slightly marked Ipratropium And Albuterol on the face in
small crescentic patches. Albuterol Price Coryza and expectoration of sputa.
Extremities cooler than trunk. Photophobia; cough. Char-
acteristic odor present. Digestive apparatus normal. No medi-
cine ordered. (Other cases of rubeola appearing in the wards.)
At 6.15 p. M., eruption spreading to the neck; none on thorax
or extremities. This disease now epidemic in the wards of the
hospital; six other cases down to-day.
12th, 6.50 A. M. — Eruption well marked on the face ; iso-
lated papules on extremities; none on the chest. Cough. (A
patient in the next bed had a profuse epistaxis last night with
no sign of the eruption this morning.) At 6 p. m., patient com-
fortable; no additional symptoms. Eruption appearing in iso- Albuterol And Ipratropium
lated papules on thorax and abdomen; strongly marked on
lower extremities. Took no nourishment to-day beyond a very
little milk.
13th, 7.30 A, M. — Desquamation commenced^on face. Child
doing well. Cougb diminished. Remained about the same
during the day, and at 6.15 p. m. eruption desquamative. Bowels
sluggish ; eats little or nothing. 1 note an unusual coldness of
lower extremities. No medicine given whatever.
IJ^th, 6.45 A. M. — General improvement; 6 p.m., improved
during tbe day ; eruption paling and desquamative. Dry cough.
15th, 7 A. M. — Still improving; eruption disappearing nor-
mally; at 7.40 p. M., took observations while child was asleep.
16th, 8 Ipratropium Albuterol A. M. — Cost Of Albuterol Inhaler Improvement in every way still goes on, and
at the morning observations of the 17th the child asks to be
allowed to get up, which is allowed, but it is followed by a rise
in the patient's temperature next day. From the 19th to the
24th of June the child is apparently well (day of the picnic;
compare the other cases). No medicine Price Of Albuterol Inhaler given.
29th, 7.15 A. M. — Crying during observations.
J^ily 1st, 7.30 A. M. — The boy had been lying for some
time asleep on the cold Albuterol Hfa brick hearth in the ward. Pulse full,
very strong and intermittent. At 6 p. m. he was Albuterol Inhaler Price attacked with Albuterol Inhaler Cost
2d, 7.45 A. M. — Just taken a cold bath ; Cost Of Albuterol pulse strong and
irregular. Instrument in axilla twelve Albuterol Tablets minutes. At 6.15 p. m.,
diarrhoea suddenly checked.

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最後使用紀錄:Thursday, 28 November 2013, 12:24 AM  (3802 日 )