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 東東員工學習網: 個人紀錄: Buy Benadryl Cheap Benadryl


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Related post: principal topic of tiic author's studies, which he cxpcrimcnt-
allv investigates under tlniM- heads: 1. I )oes traiiniatisni of
anv kind pnnluco suppuration? In answer (o this (piestion
he says : " In extraction of cataract (in rahhits, of course)
I ha\(' piirposeiv liruiscd and lacerated the iris, cvai-iiateil
almost all the vitreous, then stirred u|) the rest with a plati-
nnni needh' that had been previously brought to a ;^low,
and finally scratched with the same nei'dh' the ciliary pro-
cesses in every direction, yet no suppuratiini ensued, where-
as the smoothest and most cautious operations were invari-
ably followed by suppuration when the wound was con-
taminated in some way by pyogenic fungi." Krom this
ajul other experiments he concludes that mere traumatism
never causes suppuration. 2. Do foreign bodies Cheap Benadryl as such
cause the formation of pus? Foreign bodies introduced
antisepticallv into the anterior chamber of the eye never
caused inthunmation and suppuration. In answer to the
third question, Are there any kinds of chemical agents that
cause suppuration ? he reviews the experiments of other in-
vestigators, and then relates a series of experiments of his
own where chemical irritants were introduced with great
precautions into the anterior chamber and under the skin,
completely confirming the results of other investigators Where To Buy Benadryl and
concluding Order Benadryl that suppuration in every case depends upon
the action of living microbes. In this way the parallelism
of the three processes — fermentation, putrefaction, and sup-
puration — is established.
Dr. Harold C. Ernst, in a most interesting and convinc-
ing paper, relates Purchase Benadryl Online the results of a scries of some forty in-
oculation experiments extending over a period of a year or
more. In these experiments pure cultivations of seven
different forms of bacteria were used. Inoculations of
pure gelatin cultivations of Purchase Benadryl the Staphylococcus pyogenes Buy Benadryl
aureus injected into a healthy guinea-pig produced death
in twelve hours, and so in every case the experiments in-
dicated that the virulence of these pathogenetic organisms
was just as great at the end of a year, and after passing
through Benadryl Online a large number of generations, as when taken from
their birthplace ; and he concludes that no form of sup-
puration in man is unattended by bacteria. And lastly there
are the experiments of Prudden on the aetiology of ulcera-
tive endocarditis; the injection o{ Staphylococcus pyogenes
aureus into the blood, combined with chemical or mechan-
ical irritation of the valve or the endocardium, almost in-
variably produced ulcerative endocarditis.
Brassowski has corroborated the investigations of pre-
vious observers Order Benadryl Online in a series of observations made at Mikulicz's
clinic, Where Can I Buy Benadryl and found that the Staphylococcus aureus and albus
and Streptococcus pyogenes are the principal organisms
found. It is usually supposed that in wounds healing by
primary union and free from suppuration none of these
oro-anisms would occur. This observer has examined the
secretions of wounds Benadryl Buy classed as strictly aseptic where pri-
mary union occurred, and arrived at the following Generic Benadryl conclu-
sions : Under antiseptic iodoform dressings only a part (one
fifth) of the wound remains quite free from micro-organisms.
RcHult, prinniry union. In a portion (one lialf) tlie Siaphy-
lococcuH (ilhiis may Ik; |»n!Hent (in small nundn-rs), and two
thinls of tliese hual by primary union; in the other one
third a slight suppuration occurs. In nine; cases the Staphy-
locDccua aurcuM and in two the Streptococcus pyoge/ies oc-
curred, lioth cause certain suppuration, but by suitable
drainage from the start this may be limit(!d to the vicinity
of the drain openings.*
'J'he recent investigations of I>r. John E. W eeks, pub-

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最後使用紀錄:Sunday, 1 December 2013, 04:18 AM  (3809 日 2 小時)