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Related post: The thyreoid enlargement was apt to appear long before the
eyes became prominent, but readily escaped Benzoyl Peroxide Gel attention. It might
hajipen that a sense of constriction was felt when swallowing,
especially in men who wore tightly fitting collars. Both lobes Peroxide Benzoyl
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The eye prominence was late to appear, as Where Can I Get Benzoyl Peroxide a Where Can I Find Benzoyl Peroxide rule, and it
would seem Benzoyl Peroxide On Acne to mark the height of the disorder. Before the ex-
ophthalmia, there might generally be noted the sign asserted by
von Graefe to bo pathognomonic, a belated action of the lid in
following a downward movement of the ball. Sometimes the
lower lid was tardy in following an upward glance. This ob-
trusion of the eyeball was the most picturesque feature, but
happily it was not constant, and was often very late. It was
of both eyes, mostly, but if of one only, again the right sof- j
fered. Sight was seldom affected, except wiiere the outstand- I
ing, unprotected cornea suffered hurt or irritation ; then opaci- Benzoyl Peroxide For Acne
ties might result. If errors of accomnndation existed, their
correction, in his opinion, greatly aided in reducing Where To Find Benzoyl Peroxide the exoph-
thalmia. Fundus lesions were not characteristic, though pul-
sation of the retinal vessels might serve to confirm suspicions.
Knee-jerks Benzoyl Peroxide Acne were rarely abnormal; often in slight excess.
Electrical examination had been very recently shown by
Charcot, confirmed by Vigouroux and Norris Wolfenden, to aid
greatly in fcretelline the onset of this trouble, the bodily re-
sistance being greatly lessened Cream With Benzoyl Peroxide most peculiarly in this disease.
This might jjrove a valuable aid in diagnosis.
After giving notes of the histories Gel Benzoyl Peroxide of eight ca-^es, the author
said that he hoped to di>cuss the treatment, on which he had
some decided opinions, on another occasion. It consisted
mainly of rest, judicious feeding, and the use of tonics and
carefully selected sedative measures. Competent glasses, too,
were essential; at times sharp counter-irritation, especially
diuretic remedies and attention to the emunctories. Galvanism,
too, had immense value in some instances, but required judg-
ment in the selection of cases. In brief, whatever measures
tended to repair the tone of the vascular system and allay nerv-
ous excitability would best bring about gratifying results.
Dr. S. D. RisLEY would like to Benzoyl Peroxide And Acne ask Dr. Taylor whether there ^J
was any indication from which the development of exophthal- "J
mia could be expected in cases in which it had not yet appeared.
Dr. J. B. Roberts believed that the great ocular deformity,
which was so unpleasant to the patient and attracted so much
attention, could be remedied by a very simple operation : mere-
ly putting a stitch at the outer canthus, after freshfening the;
edges of the lids, to diminish the optic commissure after the-
case had made such progress that it was reasonably certain
there was to Where To Get Benzoyl Peroxide be no further diminution of the prominence of the
April 14, 1888.
eyeballs. The patient could be made more comfortable and less
Dr. Edwakd Jackson thought the procedure suggested by
Dr. Roberts might be resorted to for otlier than cosmeti(-
reasons. He had Benzoyl Peroxide Or Salicylic Acid recently seen a case of this disease, with very
great exophthalmia, in which one eye Benzoyl Peroxide Wash had been lost from slouch-
ing of the cornea due to exposure; and had afterward learned
that the second eye had been lost in tlie Benzoyl Peroxide Cream same way. Such an
accident might be prevented by narrowing the fissure of the
Dr. A. V. Meigs knew of one person who had completely
recovered from this disease, a woman who had a very severe
attack Benzoyl Peroxide Salicylic Acid many years ago, under the care of his father. The
prominence of the eyes, which had been very great, was now
hardly noticeable, and yet no operation was ever done. He did
not think that much would be gained by sewing up the canthus,
for while 10 Benzoyl Peroxide the disease was in its acute stage it was hardly likely
the operation would afford much relief, and afterward, if the
patient recovered at all, the difficulty cured itself. He thought
he knew the case that Dr. Roberts had had in mind when he
spoke, and Dr. de Schweinitz, who Benzoyl Peroxide 10 had seen the woman in
question, would probably agree with him What Is Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Benzoyl Peroxide that nothing would
be gained by an operation. One thing he bad learned of recent
years, and it was that it was not necessary in all cases to put
the patient in bed. He could mention three or four cases that
he had successfully treated with tonics and proper regimen,
without its becoming necessary to order rest in bed ; the cases,
to be sure, had not been severe. Dr. Taylor had spoken of the
early recognition of the disease. For the speaker's own part,
he did not see how a positive diagnosis could be made until
there were at least two of the features of the disease present,
namely, the cardiac palpitation and some thyreoid enlargement:

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