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Related post: To all general rules there are, however, exceptions, and
the medical profession in this rule is the exception. Physi-
cians are usually estimated correctly by their peers, but not
always by the laity (to use a church term for the general]
public who are not medically educated). For these laymen!
however intelligent and disposed to judge aright, have not
the knowledge requisite to make the estimate. They see a
man who writes M. D. after his name, who assumes to treat
disease and to a superficial observer succeeds. Without
qualifications, either natural or acquired, Ciprofloxacin Online Pharmacy he takes the re
sponsibility and assumes the care of patients afflicted wit!
grave maladies, and, shall I say fortunately for him, the
curative powers of Nature and the self-limited character ol
* Read before the Third District Branch of the New York State
Medical Association, June 17, 1886.
Sept. 1, 1888.]
most diseases enables the charlatan to hold up his head,
conceal his ip^norance, and pass himself off as a qualified
practitioner of medicine. Where Can I Buy Ciprofloxacin If it has been the lot of any of
you gentlemen to practice in a community where one of
your rivals was a mountebank of the character I have de-
scribed, and you have been subjected to the mortification
of seeing such a character supported and defended by good
and respectable citizens, you have known one of the clouds
that help to make the shadows of professional life.
Again, it pains me to allude to another shadow oi greater
dimensions that most medical practitioners have encoun-
tered, especially in their early professional life, when their
susceptibilities were tender and they were conscientiously
striving to Buy Ciprofloxacin Uk secure professional success — a good reputation
and financial support. While it was mortifying to them to
see men without culture and preparation selected as attend-
ants in place of physicians of real merit who had carefully
qualified themselves to assume professional responsibilities,
yet it was a greater grief, a more severe blow to them to be
" wounded in the house of their friends." Jealousy, envy,
and ill-will find root in the hearts of physicians as well as in
those of the rest of mankind. Yet how unfortunate it is for
the honor of our profession when the public voice gives utter-
ance to expressions like this — ofttimes, alas, too true—" See
how these doctors (not love, but) hate one another ! " Prob-
ably none of us will live to witness that good time when
" the lion and the lamb shall lie down together and a little
child shall lead them," but I trust we shall live to see mani-
fested more brotherly love among medical practitioners who
are representatives of a common faith, and who Buy Ciprofloxacin 500mg desire to ad-
vance the honor of our loved and chosen profession, I con-
fess to you thatin the early years of my professional career
I suffered deeply from the unprofessional conduct of some
of my neighboring medical brethren ; yet, nevertheless, I
strictly ©bserved the code of ethics (given to us by our fa-
thers), in spirit as well as in letter, and the result proved the
truth of the old adage " that honesty is the best policy "
ultimately, although the reverse seems often for a time to
be true. For these same medical gentlemen, who once
sought and conspired to do me harm, afterward became my
best friends, and gave me their confidence when adversity
or afiliction made them want a reliable friend and a profes-
sional adviser. To the young men of this Association I
would earnestly say, Keep perpendicular, treat your neigh-
boring practitioners as you would like to be treated, en-
courage professional courtesy and brotherly love, and make
a firm resolve that, let others do as they will, " Ciprofloxacin Buy as for me, I
will serve the Lord " by obeying the behests of an enlight-
ened conscience.
There is but one other shadow to which I shall allude,
and that will complete all I have to say about the shady
side of the practice of medicine.
There are clouds of sorrow that burst upon our poor
humanity from which physicians are not exempt, else they
wo\ild not be mortal ; but I am to speak only of those
matters which especially cloud the life of medical men.
This shadow is the one alluded to at the outset of my
When we have carefully, thoroughly, and intelligently
given our time, thought, and best energies to the treatment
of a case, medical or surgical, and the result has been un-
favorable, to receive censure rather than reward is hard for
us to bear, but we must be resigned to the result if we have
done our whole duty. We can bear to sit still and be calm,
and let the hurricane roar about us if we have within the
voice of an approving conscience —

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最後使用紀錄:Monday, 2 December 2013, 02:40 PM  (3792 日 )