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Related post: have already quoted Kelly's findings of twelve cases
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535 Park Avenue.
[New York
Medical Journal.
Its Early Diagnosis,
By John V. O'Connor, M. D.,
Woonsocket, R. I.
Much has been said regarding the diagnosis of
carcinoma of the stomach, especially early diagnosis.
While we realize that we are dealing Oxcarbazepine Carbamazepine with an in-
curable and almost always fatal disease, it should
occur to us that an early diagnosis is necessary if
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that is worth while. I have selected carcinoma of
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of this terrible disease?
I hold that by a more critical examination of the
patient and the use of laboratory methods at our
command, we shall be successful in any Purchase Oxcarbazepine Online number of
cases that would otherwise escape early diagnosis.
Too much stress cannot be laid upon the fact that
we should, if possible, exclude carcinoma in all pa-
tients over thirty or thirty-five years, Trileptal Oxcarbazepine complaining
of gastric disorder. There are no set symptoms,
objective or subjective, by which we can make an
early diagnosis of carcinoma of the stomach, and
that reason alone should be sufificient to direct our
attention to the laboratoi-y. If, after exerting our
best efforts, we find that we are in doubt, an ex-
ploratory operation should by all means be advised.
What is to be gained by this exploratory opera-
tion? It enables you, in most cases, to make your
diagnosis, and should you fail Oxcarbazepine Trileptal to find carcinoma,
your surgical interference is often rewarded by
finding such conditions as gastric or duodenal ulcer,
gallstones, etc. Should any of these be present, I
know of no better treatment than the surgical. Ex-
ploratory incision, properly performed, does no
harm, and if further operation is not necessary, it
will often serve as a guide to proper medical treat-
ment. We are all familiar with the symptoms by
which a diagnosis of ulcer, neurosis, gastritis, etc.,
is made. We know also, that many times these
various diseases are quite typical of the symptoms
noted, and we do not hesitate to make a positive
diagnosis. There is no denying that the symptoms
of the foregoing diseases, and many others, often
closely simulate those of early carcinoma of Purchase Oxcarbazepine the
stomach. It is indeed a simple matter to make a
diagnosis of carcinoma of the stomach when the
patient presenting himself looks cachectic, gives a
history of having lost thirty or forty pounds in a
few months, and has a tumor almost large enough
to see. These are the cases that require no effort
to make a diagnosis, and surely confer no credit.
Case. Mr. J. came to consult me about his condition,
July IS, 1911. He had previously consulted two physicians
and seemed much disappointed because he was not well.
One of the physicians informed him that he suffered from
intestinal indigestion, while the other diagnosticated his
case as nervous indigestion.
I had known the Order Oxcarbazepine gentleman for many years, always as
a thin individual. When I saw him on the date mentioned,
he did not seem to have changed much, and I confess that

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最後使用紀錄:Wednesday, 4 December 2013, 12:40 AM  (3795 日 20 小時)