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Related post: brow and temples with the oleate. Care is necessary
lest the ointment get into the eyes, as it is extremely
irritating. Occasional bathing of the eye in a solution
of the bichloride, i : 20,000 is of service. In case it be-
comes necessary to blister the temples, mercurial oint-
ment should be applied to the raw surface.
Mucous patches and fissures of the mouth, if very
painfiil, should not be cauterized until their irritability
has been in a measure allayed ; they then require cau-
terization. The best application is the acid nitrate of
mercury ; in some cases, however, the nitrate of silver is
better. Obstinate tubercular lesions and post-ulcerative
thickenings should be destroyed by the galvano-cautery,
as transformation into cancer is possible.
In irritable oral, lingual, and pharyngeal lesions, the
following is the best application :
B . — Carbolic acid . . . .10 grains.
Resublimed iodine . . . 5 "
Menthol 10 "
ai of eucalyptus ) ^^^^^ ^ ^
Glycente of tanmn j
Boro-glyceride sufficient to make I ounce. — M.
Apply with a brush.
Condylomata and mucous tubercles disappear under
the collodion or benzoin and bichloride mixture already
mentioned. Condylomata and mucous tubercles mean
local irritation and filth, both of which are in great
measure avoidable. Calomel and oleate of zinc are the
best dusting powders for these lesions.
The Treatment of Hemiplegia. — In discussing the treat-
ment of hemipl^^. Dr. Bastian {Lancet, March 8,
1890) writes that while in the apoplectic condition, the
patient should be put in a recumbent position in a
cool room, the head and shoulders being well raised;
and if there is much heat and throbbing about the
head, cold applications or an ice-bag should be ap-
plied and the l^s and feet wrapi>ed with flannel and
hot bottles applied. If the Buy Amoxicillin / Clavulanate Online face be much flushed, some
sedative, such as twenty grains of potassium bromide
and four or five minims of the tincture of aconite, should
be given to calm the circulation and thus help to check
further bleeding. Cases of apoplexy often adinit ot very
little being done in the early stages in the way of direct
treatment, because of the great difficulty in diagnosing
between cerebral haemorrhage and incipient softening
due to thrombosis. Some physicians are apt to think
— and the less experienced they are the more they are
apt to think— that haemorrhage and incipient softening
are diagnosed very readily; that there is not, in feet,
much difficulty in distinguishing the one from the other.
In cases of thrombosis nothing should be done to
lower the tension within the vascular system, which, in-
deed, should be increased so as to assist Buy Cheap Amoxicillin / Clavulanate in opening up
the anastomosing channels and thus help to diminish
the area cut off from its blood-supply. The patient re-
quires stimulants in moderate amount, digitalis with ether
or aromatic spirit of ammonia, to strengthen the cardiac
action. But if the conditions are due to haemorrhage,
this treatment would be harmful to the patient. For in
that case the action of the heart should be depressed
and the tension within the vessels diminished. The in-
dications are diametrically opposite during the comatose
conditions due to haemorrhage and to thrombosis re-
spectively. In certain cases it may be clear that we are
dealing with embolism, as in the case of a child with
valvular disease of the heart and paralysis coming on
abruptly. But in a large number of cases it is not safe
to act in any very decisive way, and therefore the treat-
ment should not be active.
The ^rerention of Urethral Ferer.—Mn. G. Buckston
Browne {British Medical Buy Amoxicillin / Clavulanate Journal, March 15, 1890), in
a paper upon the treatment of retention of urine, ex-
presses his views upon the etiology and treatment of
urethral fever. The theory of the causation which he
adopts is that catheter fever is a nervous fever entirely
due to urethral shock, communicated through the ner-
vous connections to the excretory apparatus of the
kidneys and producing all degrees of suppression of
urine Amoxicillin / Clavulanate Online from the most transient to the most complete. He
is satisfied that it is not due to the absorption of urine
through a urethral wound, for the passage of a fine
bougie through the stricture is often followed by high
fever, while a free division of the stricture with a knife is
followed by little or no elevation of temperature. He
does not consider it septicaemic Generic Amoxicillin / Clavulanate because it may come on
directly after the p^sage of an instrument, and, more-
over, patients may live for years with their bladders full
of foetid urine and without signs of septic poisoning.
If his is the true theory, the author considers it evident
that gentleness of manipulation is exceedingly important.
Digitized by
[Mboicai. Nim
Of drugs which have a prophylactic influence, he be-
lieves opium, morphine, and codeine to be the most
valuable. He has often found that when the passage of
a catheter is followed by high fever, in the same indi-
vidual and with the same instrument no fever follows
the procedure if a small dose of morphine has been
previously administered. If the preparations and deriv-
atives of opium are not well borne, small doses of
chloral may be employed.
Prescription for Incontinence of Urine. — Grisolle recom-
mends the following pills in cases of incontinence of
B . — Extract ot nux vomica
Black oxide of iron
Pulverized quassia
Syrup, sufficient quantity.
3 grains
45 "
— M.
Divide into twenty pills, of which from one to three
may be given daily.— Z" Union AUdicaU.
Pretcription for Pigmentation of Pregnancy. — The follow-
ing ointment recommended by Monier is quoted in the
Internationale klinische Rundschau :
B. — Cacao butter) , . .,
Castor oil 1°'**"'' ' " =^X ounces.
Zinc oxide 45 grains.
Ammoniated mercury. . . 2 "
Oil of rose, sufficient quantity. — M.

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最後使用紀錄:Thursday, 5 December 2013, 05:39 AM  (3812 日 )