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exuded. Curiously enough, that Glyset Generic patient recovered after
the puncture and got quite well. He said he had often
seen Sir Spencer Wells ligature and cut away the appen-
dix, and he had never seen any ill results follow. Lat-
terly, however, Order Glyset Online he had taken to bringing the edges
together by means of a continuous suture, which, on th°e
whole, was perhaps preferable.
Dr. Bull, in reply, observed that he had purposely
only dealt with the surgical aspect of the disease. He
doubted whether patients could often be Buy Cheap Glyset persuaded to
undergo any operation after an Glyset Cost attack had subsided, as
suggested by Mr. Treves. He had never met with any
accidents in the use of the exploring needle himself.
He said that no one would hesitate to wash out fecal
matter, and he Miglitol Glyset asked why they should hesitate to wash
out pus that smelled as bad as feces, and was as injuri-
ous in its effects. He made his incision from the middle
of Poufart's ligament vertically upward, and even a
little up outward, and he much preferred this to the
median incision. — British Med. Journal, Nov. lo, 1888.
Creolin, Iodoform Ointment, and Antipyrin in OpiiHialmie
Pnetioo. — Mergl, in the September number of the Cen-
tralbl- fUr Augenheilk., reports the following as observed
at the eye department of the hospital at Pressburg : creo-
lin was used in one per cent solution in acute and chronic
catarrhs of the conjunctiva, in trachoma, Purchase Glyset and in ulcerative
conditions of the cornea. Purchase Glyset Online In acute catarrhal conjunc-
tivitis a one per cent, solution was applied twice daily to
the conjunctiva of the lower lid ; in most cases the red-
ness and swelling disappeared in one or two days, and
the secretion diminished but did not entirely disappear; it
is thus better after two or three days to use one per cent,
solutions of sulphate of copper or zinc. Creolin afforded
no good results in chronic conjunctivitis. In four cases
of trachoma, however, the remedy appeared to act as a
specific : the redness and swelling disappeared in two to
four days, the purulent secretion in one week, and the
granulations in two to three weeks. In other cases, the
redness and swelling disappeared, but the granulations
woidd not submit. Finally, exacerbations occurred in
some cases. The author, therefore, now begins the treat-
ment of acute trachoma with creolin ; if improvement does
not proceed, nitrate of silver and sulphate of copper are
used. In trachoma with pains or corneal ulcers, creolin
is an excellent remedy : the ulcers clear up and the pan-
nus recedes; in combination with atropine, it causes the
ulcers to heal. Although creolin frequently cures corneal
ulcers, it sometimes fails- On the other hand, the ten
per cent, iodoform-vaseline ointment used by Kauka is
of incalculable value, particularly when abscesses have
formed in the cornea and chambers. A gauze pad,
covered with the ointment, is laid over the closed eyes
and fastend with a pressure bandage- Pain is dimin-
ished, the ulcers clear up, and the abscesses disappear
in two to three days. Upon the recommendation of
Aldor, antipyrin has been used to clear up corneal
opacities. As the introduction of the powder is painful,
cocaine is first instilled and then the cornea is dusted
with antipyrin. After the flow of tears has ceased, which
occurs in a few minutes, the cornea is rubbed through the
upper lid. The results have been good. Order Glyset In the case of
a child, having extensive opacities of both corneae follow-
ing smallpox, this procedure was adopted. After three
months the child, formerly able to see nothing, could
walk alone and recognize small objects, such as a watch
and coins. Similar results were obtained in two other
cases.— Wienernudizin. Presse, No. 41, 1888. Buy Glyset
Splenoetomy.—Thc operation of removing the spleen
was performed recently by Surgeon W. K. Hatch, at
the Sir J. J. Hospital, Bombay. The patient was put
under chloroform, and Dr. Hatch, with the assistance of
Drs. Banks, Manser, Dimmock, and Galleghar, removed
the spleen successfully. Collapse followed, and it was
deemed necessary to perform transfusion of blood. A
Parsi student, Mr. Hirji J. Dady Sett, of Grant College,
volunteered to give his blood in order to save the life of
the patient, and several deep incisions were made on
Mr. Dady Sett's right hand. But Mr. Dady Sett fainted,
transfusion was not carried out, and Bhaiaji died within
twenty minutes after the operation. This operation is
the second of its kind in Bombay. The first was per-
formed by Dr. Blanc, some ten years ago, and it, too,
proved unsuccessful. — Indian Medical GasetU, Septem-
ber, 1888.
Cannabin in Basedow's Disease. — Glyset Price Valeiri, of Naples,,
has used cannabin in three cases of exophthalmic goitre
with good results, after other measures had failed.
R. — Cannabin gr. ivss.
Sacch. lactis . . q.s. ut ft. pil. No. v.
S. — ^To be taken during twenty-four hours.
R.— Cannabin . . . . gr. ivss.
Aquae destil ^'U-
Syrup aurantii floris . . 5j. — M.
S. — To be taken in teaspoonful doses during twenty-
four hours.
A decoction of two to four parts to the one hundred,
or doses of fifteen to thirty minims of the tincture may
be given. — IViener medisin. Presse, No. Buy Glyset Online 41, 1888.

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