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Related post: the matter of criminal abortion ; and the editor of
the 'Toronto Globe, a Presbyterian minister, who
has for some time been pressing upon Order Clarinex the Coimcil
their line of duty in these cases, came in for com-
ment, favorable and unfavorable. Buy Clarinex Online There has been
a great deal of newspaper talk with regard to cer-
tain cases which have occurred throughout the
province, Clarinex Coupon and it has not been yet clearly shown that
the newspaper in question was divested of all politi-
cal bias in some of these cases. It seemed to labor
under the delusion for a time that the Ontario Medi-
cal Council was a criminal court, and that the duty
of the Council was to hunt down the criminals and
punish them by depriving them of their license to
practise, forgetting that the law* officers of the
Crown were the duly authorized parties to take any
such proceedings in the medical profession as in all
other walks of life. Recently, however, the Coupon For Clarinex Globe
has modified its demands on the Council, and now
pins its faith to a clause in the Medical Act which
practically goes to show that the Council should
deal with men who are Clarinex Purchase guilty of infamous or dis-
graceful action in a professional respect. It has
gone out of the criminal cry business. Well, when
this selfsame Council has sought before now to dis-
cipline some of its members for infamous and dis-
graceful action or conduct in a professional respect,
the Toronto Globe and practically all the other lay
press Clarinex D 24 poured hot shot into the Council for daring
to take away from a man the means of making bread
and butter for his family. One thing seems to be
fiuite clearly brought out in the whole controversy,
and that is this, that the Council must in all cases
deal strongly with every one adjudged guilty by the
courts of law in these cases. They will be wise
men who proceed with all due caution in the case
of any one adjudged not guilty. The Ontario Medi-
cal Act requires that a charge against a member of
the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons of
unprofessional conduct of any character shall be
signed by four practitioners before the Council shall
undertake to investigate. Be it so, especially in the
case of criminal abortion. Where or how are four
men to become possessed of absolute facts so as to
warrant them in impeaching a confrere before the
medical court ? Everv- practitioner here as in other
places has most probably heard of some one per-
forming these nefarious practices : but it is only
hearsay. He has no absolute proof. The Toronto
Globe, through its Discount Clarinex editor, Cheap Clarinex states that there are sev-
eral in the city of Toronto alone who perform abor-
tions ; and upon hearsay evidence calls upon the
medical Clarinex Price profession to clear its skirts. The physi-
cians of Canada feel that the Crown officers should
call upon the editor of the aforesaid newspaper, or
the Ontario Medical Council, the guardian of the
profession throughout the province, should call
upon this self appointed pedagogue of doctors'
morals to make good his statements in Clarinex 5mg a court of
law, and that he should be made to name his men
and prefer his charges against them, and them alone,
and not against the entire medical profession
throughout the province at large.
f ^trajEtttical ^otts.
The Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis. — Online Clarinex
La L Unique for July 3, 1908, publishes a lengthy
excerpt from a volume entitled La Pratique thcra-
peittiqitc. by Courtois-Suffit and Tremolieres, pub-
lished by O Doin, Paris, giving rules for the
treatment of persons afflicted with pulmonary tuber-
culosis. Of the hygienic treatment exposure to air
is considered fundamental. It should be uninter-
rupted night and day, Clarinex Order Online and all the time. To guard
against cold a flannel chemise should be worn and
hot water bottles placed next the feet if necessary.
The outlook of the invalid's chamber should be to
the south, varied sometimes by an eastern or west-
ern exposure, according to the season of the year
and the country. To be prohibited is confinement
in Clarinex Order closed rooms, especially where large crowds are
gathered in theatres, cafes, stores, etc. E.xposure
to the rays of the sun should be avoided. A phthis-
ical subject should never walk abroad in the sun-
light without the protection of an umbrella.
Contrary to the general belief, exercise of the
body is not beneficial for consumptives, for the rea-
son that it accelerates tissue combustion. Mental
and physical fatigue, bodily exercise, and in particu-
lar that of the chest and upper parts of the body,
are to be formall\- interdicted. Walking alone is to
be permitted. Such walking exercise should, how-
ever, be eaey and on a level surface, and preferablv
after meals. The number and duration of the walks
should be regulated by the physical condition of
the patient, bodily weight and temperature being
taken into consideration. Any diminution of the
usual bodily weight necessitates abstention. Abso- Purchase Clarinex
kite repose must be imposed on patients when fever-
ish symptoms develop, and any increase of tempera--
ture above 100.4° F. should be taken to constitute
fever in the tuberculous subject. Baths should not
be taken too frequently, and they should not be too
warm or be indulged in for too long a period at
one time. A bath at a temperature of 95° F. for a
period of from ten to fifteen minutes is permissible,
and it should be followed by a good rubbing.
Local revulsive treatment is employed to over-
come pain in the chest, this consisting Clarinex D Coupon of the ap-
plication of mustard leaves, mustard poultices, or
the tincture of iodine. As general treatment nutri-
tives like codliver oil and yolk of egg should be Purchase Clarinex Online
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