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What Is Chloroquine Chloroquine Tablets

What Is Chloroquine
What Is Chloroquine

Related post: tions of magnesium sulphate are mentioned in a
properly conservative spirit.
It is to be noted that the imprint is that of a new
publishing house. We wish the firm all possible
success. They have done their work well in this
instance, and we particularly commend them for
having withstood the present rage for desecrating
Latin words by the suppression of diphthongs.
Borderland Studies. Miscellaneous Addresses and Essays
Pertaining to Medicine and the Medical Profession, and
Their Relations to General Science and Thought. Vol-
ume II. By George M. Gould. M.' D., Formerly Editor
of the Medical Neivs, etc. Philadelphia : P. Blakiston's
Son & Co., 1908. Pp. 311.
It is eight years since the first volume of this
series appeared, but the various addresses and es-
says have so little connection among themselves that
this volmue is quite as readable without its prede-
cessor as it would be with it. Most of the subjects
treated of have verv little to do with medicine or
the medical profession. The first essay, which is
[New York
Medical Joubnal.
the Chloroquine Cost best of the lot, entitled The History of the
House; the Struggle for Fresh Air and Light, is,
indeed, but very remotely relevant to the second
term of its title.
Dr. Gould is nothing if not earnest, but his earn-
es,tness often leads him into intolerance of those
vi^ho do not agree with him, and this is apt to be
manifested by vituperation, the author appearing to
take every man for an ass who ventures to dissent
from his dicta and to forget the homely old saying
that more flies are caught Chloroquine 250 Mg with honey than with
vinegar. If the reader will make allowance for this, he will take pleasure in reading the
Die Hautkrankheiten. Von Prof. Dr. Jarisch. Zweite,
vermehrte und neubearbeite Auflage. Bearbeitet von
Prof. Dr. Rudolf Matzenauer. . Wien und Leipzig: Al-
fred Holder, 1908. Pp. mo.
The first edition of this book appeared in 1900 as
volume xxiv of Nothnagel's Specielle Pathohgie
und Therapie, and received a warm welcome by the
medical profession and the reviewers. Since then
its distinguished author has died. In the present
edition Professor Matzenauer has preserved the
original clinical descriptions and as much of the
text as possible. He has carefully and critically re-
vised the sections on pathological anatomy and on
treatment. The articles on tuberculides, Rdntgen
ray dermatitis, pityriasis lichenoides chronica, lichen
simplex, and blastomycosis are either entirely 're-
written or new. On account of careful pruning
and the liberal use of closely set type, there are but
sixty more page in this than in the previous edition.
Part of the economy of space has been dearly
bought bv omitting fifty-three illustrations, the pres-
ent Chloroquine Price edition having but seven.
To produce so thorough a treatise What Is Chloroquine meant the ex-
penditure of a vast amount of time and labor by
the author. The result was well worth the work.
Unlike many German authors, Jarisch appreciated the
fact that there were other observers than his coun-
trymen, and Buy Chloroquine referred to many French, English, and
American writers. After each article is placed the
literature, arranged alphabetically according to the
names of the authors.
After sixty-three pages on the anatomy of the
skin, symptomatology, and general diagnosis, the
skin diseases are presented in groups, sometimes on
the basis of setiology, sometimes on that of their
pathology, and again simply according to the struc-
ture atifected, like the hair or the Cost Of Chloroquine nails. Buy Chloroquine Online It is well
recognized that Chloroquine Malaria Tablets all attempts at classification of skin
diseases are more or less failures. The grouping
here adopted leads to some strange combinations.
For instance, under folliculides we find acne, acne
keloid, and furuncle, while under impetigo are
placed farcy, actinomycosis, blastomycosis, and
Many pages are devoted to the discussion of de-
batable questions. These are interesting and in-
structive Chloroquine Tablets reading, but unusual in a textbook. The
subject of pathology is presented at length, and the
sections on the treatment of the various diseases are
for the most part full of helpful advice. While the
uses of X rays arc Order Chloroquine indicated, we fail to find mention
of radium or the high frequency currents. The sub-
ject of the tuberculides is well presented and at
length. The use of x rays in the trcalnuni nf lupus
vulgaris is advised against, and the warning is given
that they not infrequently seem to cause the de-
velopment of epithelioma on the lupus patches. On
the other hand, the Finsen light method is endorsed,
and to it is credited a proportion of eighty-five per
cent, of cures against one of six and a half per cent.
by other methods. Lupus erythematosus is placed
among the tuberculides on account of some possible
connection between it and lupus vulgaris, though
the author, or the editor, admits that such a connec-
tion has not been established. The subject of blas-
tomycosis is dismissed with scarcely Chloroquine Buy two pages, and
the writings of Dr. J. N. Hyde seem to have been
overlooked. It is satisfactory to note that acute
pemphigus in infants is regarded as really either Chloroquine Phosphate Tablets
the bullous form of impetigo or as due to septic in-
fection. It would be better, it seems to us, if der-

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最後使用紀錄:Tuesday, 10 December 2013, 12:34 AM  (3793 日 23 小時)